I all of the sudden started to feel very shaky mostly my lefs and arms its fresking me out anyone had this and how to stop it its a weak shaky feeling
Shaky legs and arms: I all of the sudden... - Anxiety Support
Shaky legs and arms

This happened to my friend when she began taking Lexapro
Yes I have which was why I got on this site. It's anxiety. It's adreneline in your system. Calm clinic is a good site to read about shaking/trembling and anxiety. First time it happened to me I was terrified. I couldn't control my body. When it happens you have to realize you're in a state of panic. Your body is just trying to burn off that adreneline. The weakness is you muscles tapped out from the shaking the did. Utilize breathing techniques and tell yourself you are going to be ok. Cause you are. It will not hurt you and there is nothing serious wrong with you. It will pass. I don't get scared if it happens now because I know what it is. I call it the shakes! 😜
Long term you've got to work on your panic. I saw a psychologist and acupuncturist. Then I eventually got on lexapro which helped tremendously. No more shakes!
Feel free to click on my name and read through my post if you need to see more of how I overcame panic attacks and various symptoms this past year. It would always help me when I read others experiences. Just sucks because most don't come back to follow up. Remember, Good luck and breath!
Happens to me to!! Especially my legs there like jelly when I walk down the stairs xx
I have a shaky left leg and a shaky left arm and my doctor told me it is from taking Risperadone - I have stopped taking it now but my leg and arm and hand are still shaking and I have cried because I dont see it going away. I was on Risperadone for years and now I am payiing for it - dont take it.
Any responses would be appreciated especially anyone who has been on Risperadone. Thank you
I started shaking 2 years ago. I have been on Sertraline for last 9 months. I have been so shaky I couldn't even sign my name. I dream that I am too weak to get myself off the floor if I fall over. It is a horrible feeling. I struggled with walking down stairs, heights etc. I feel like a loony but find it hard to explain what is going on in my head. I have been written off work for 3 months but due to go back tomorrow, Monday on a phased in basis. I m just glad for this site to realise I am not the only one
Yep I do it seems to be in the morning when I get up for work. It last hours. I hate it. I'm on Lovan 20mg. I wonder if it's a side effect?
Have you started new med ?