Hello, My name is Christian, I'm 15 about to turn 16 and I'm worried I'm going to have to be rushed to the hospital with seizures,coma, or or problems. My worry is N Floweri.
I don't really know how to spell it but basically it is a brain eating amoeba that gains access to the brain through the nose. Usually people get it by swimming in warm lakes or rivers and some water goes up there nose and attacks their brain and kills them. I've already looked up everything. Researched everything. Symptoms,Risk factors, causes, treatment. Everything. I regularly use a neti pot because I have awful sinus problems and it normally does help alot. Well 3 days ago, 4 days tomorrow(it's 11 pm where I live) I was about to do the neti pot, and I was wondering when the best time to do it was. I don't know, I was wondering if it better to do it after your shower, before or whatever. I went on willow. I obviously know how to use it, but I was just looking for the best time to do it. I kept scrolling down and I got to the WARNING portion of the institutions. It said how you shouldn't use tap water and I normally do. I never boiled it, never heated it or anything. I just put hot tap water into the neti pot and put the saline salt in there and rinsed my sinuses. Well this totally freaked me out and I've been battling with health anxiety for a while now. I'm worried because I have a mild headache, no high fever, no nausea, no stiff neck( other than from me moving my neck to see if it's stiff), no throwing up, no loss of smell or changes in taste, and those are the main, first symptoms. Websites normally say 1-7 days when symptoms will occur and the serious ones set it about 1-14 days. Ultimately resulting in death. My anxiety has recently before this whole episode make me feel like I'm not myself and it's very troubling also. But back to the main problem. Has anyone ever worried about this or had a scare of this disease like this?? And I know it is EXTREMELY rare but we all know the little shit anxiety is and those " but what if" thoughts start creeping up and get to me. Thanks..