feel like I’m going to die: so about a month... - Anxiety Support

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feel like I’m going to die

Mcdiarmid profile image
22 Replies

so about a month ago I had some drugs and had a panic attack thought I was dying! Been too the hospital once and doctors twice they said everything looks fine but no I constantly feel like I’m dying especially when I stand up and walk around I get dizzy and feel like my heart rate is high anyone else experience this?

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Mcdiarmid profile image
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22 Replies
Mcdiarmid profile image

I’ve never felt like this before I had that drug! I’ve never suffered with anxiety or anything so I’m hear to try get some answers if anyone has experienced something like this

Jstbcuz profile image
Jstbcuz in reply to Mcdiarmid

Please tell us what drugs your taking? Have you been in past anxiety meds, is this your first time? Please write down all the stressors that are happening in your life. Do you see a therapist? Please note that anxiety is the most treatable mental health diagnosis there is. What is your diagnoses? Life is to short to stay in bed and fear. You are in control of your body and mind, although, anxiety wants to be. If you get uo and get your mindset on something productive you will feel better. I have struggled with anxiety and panic for 30 years. I know if I allow the anxiety to take over then I'm in trouble. Stress causes this. I have to watch my stressors and a lot if times avoid them. Please let us know.

Mcdiarmid profile image

sorry I had this experience 3 months ago and constantly feel like I’m dying ever since 😔

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Mcdiarmid

Hi. Just a thought: You might be feeling ill, BC you had it set in your mind that the drug was going to make you feel bad right from the start. Maybe you have run w/ that idea and that's why it won't go away. Even if it is subconsciously thought that the drug could be making you ill.

You said you have been to a Dr a couple of times. They saw nothing wrong physically, so in my opinion, the reason why you still feel bad, is likely from anxiety. The symptoms you are describing can be caused by anxiety. Those are very common ones to have.

You had said that you have been feeling bad for three months. I don't know how drugs react in the body, but I would think after 3 months, something would've shown up in a test if it were drug-related. So it could very well be anxiety causing you to feel bad. If it persists, you could look into finding a therapist, even just to talk, and if it is anxiety, they should be able to help you or tell you what you would need to do.

I'm sorry you are feeling like this. Best wishes.

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to SCC1

Thankyou so much for your reply I just want to feel like myself again I struggle to leave my bed because I constantly think I’m gonna die

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Mcdiarmid

I think it is highly unlikely that you will die. Anxiety can be crippling and make you think the worst. Try getting out of bed, even for an hour, and see that you will be okay!

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to SCC1

I feel good when I drink alcohol but that’s the only time I feel good and don’t overthink anything

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to SCC1

I struggle to sleep, I get chest pains and weird sensations in my body and I don’t feel alive sometimes and it’s scary

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to SCC1

I’m also constantly checking my pulse and heart rate over and over again all day everyday

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Mcdiarmid

The checking sounds like a symptom of OCD. I know you want to make sure you're okay, but checking it twice, maybe once in the morning and once at night would suffice.

Still, this all really sounds like you are experiencing high anxiety. Your heart could be beating faster either BC you are anxious about how you are feeling (like you're dying), or BC you are trying so hard/much to keep up w/ trying to find an answer to why you are feeling like you are going to die.

I think it would be a good idea to speak with a therapist or someone else who knows about anxiety.

It can feel like you're going in a circle; worrying, then getting symptoms from worrying (heart beats faster, dizziness, etc), then trying to make sure you are "okay", and then maybe the cycle starts again or happens throughout the day.

When I was 10 yrs old, I had my 1st panic attack. I had been riding my bike across the street from my house, and suddenly had trouble catching my breath. I had gotten nauseous and my heart beat faster. I honestly, totally believed I was dying. When I came back home, after running across the street, I laid in bed, and talked to my mom.

She told me I was having a panic attack and that I'd be ok. After maybe 15-20 mins, I felt better and was so relieved, BC it really did feel like I was going to die.

It can feel so real at the time, that your symptoms are a cause of something going to happen. But if you can take some deep breaths and try to relax, you will be okay. If calming down works even once, that can help you know that nothing is going to happen to you. If you can calm yourself, it is proof that it was all anxiety.

Dansing profile image
Dansing in reply to Mcdiarmid

I'm so sorry you feel this way.I was scarred of dying a few months ago, every morning I woke up, the panic and anxiety were so strong .

The Dr put me on ZOLOFT, which made the symptoms worse.

After 2 weeks on Zoloft, I switched to ESCITALOPRAM and this medication helped me a lot!

The panic almost went all away, and I take only occasionally benzoyl.

Your pshiatrist should know what med to prescribe you to stop the fear of dying..

Even if nothing bad will happen , we feel that sensation, and is in our head only.

Please see a therapist !

May God bless you and heal you!

Kbpeters03 profile image
Kbpeters03 in reply to Mcdiarmid

I'm worrying what your symptoms are and if they are similar to mine. Sometimes when another person experiences similar things to me I do feel better knowing that I am not alone and that if it is a panic attack I (or we) can walk out of it faster or the next one is not as bad as the previous.

I'm a 59 year old woman. Since my eldest son suddenly passed away four years ago (blood clot), I have now and then experienced panic attacks. I have been through therapy etc. Have done yoga etc all to sort out my head. My head is okay. I know what I need to do. I understand my grief. I am a very optimistic person. I do not have intense work stress or family stress etc. and yet my body tells me something completely different. It's it as if my head and body have completely different stories. After my son passed away, every tiny something (you probably notice this something is something I cannot identify) messes up my body. Ever since his death, my blood pressure went nuts and has stayed high. It does not help knowing that my son was born with a heart defect and died of a blood clot at age 24. I connect that with my body even tho the two conditions are not related. 7 years ago it was on average 120/90 now its like 160/100 on average. I am on three BP medications. I immediately hit menopause like a brick wall. It was sudden. Not gradual. I suddenly got insomnia. For 4 years. Every night I cannot sleep without a sleeping aid (medication). Everyday I go through a spell of vertigo. Tomorrow I am finally getting my BVVP manipulation exercise to hopefully get rid of it. I also have brain fog. And I also from time to time, without reason, I get panic attacks. These attacks feel like I am in the deep end of the pool; under the deep water. My pulse races. My heart seem to be pounding (not like palputations. I have had that before and this is different). I get strange isolated chest pains on the right side of my heart area. My breathing is shallow and difficult to grasp air. The dizziness isn't like the vertigo. It is like being under deep water. Or like my head is cut off from my body. I am on bisoprolol at the lowest dose 1.25mg, but my doctor thinks I should increase it as supposedly it helps with anxiety. I really don't want to take a higher dose because others have told me that it hinders the benefits of exercise which is to raise the heart rate. Some times if I can correctly identify the episode as a panic attack right then and there, the symptoms go away quickly. If I don't, I get sucked up into it. Its like a whirlwind and the symptoms seem to go on and on. And then it gets really scary and I feel like I'm having heart failure.

Sorry for the long winded story.

Jstbcuz profile image
Jstbcuz in reply to Mcdiarmid

What med are you taking?

Agora1 profile image

Hi Mcdiarmid and Welcome to a caring support community.

You say that you didn't have anxiety before taking "these drugs".

So I'm assuming these drugs were not antianxiety or antidepressants??

If they were for a medical issue following up with your doctor was the right

thing to do. Some drugs for physical issues can cause anxiety or dizzyheaded

feelings. If this is the case keep after your doctor or as SCC1 recommended to

see a therapist who may help you get through this bout that you are going through. :) xx

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to Agora1

Thankyou so much for your reply I’m just so scared as I’ve never experienced this before

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Mcdiarmid

Mcdiarmid, I know and understand how terribly frightening these symptoms

and feelings can be. Unfortunately, once it's over we tend to get the fear

ignited by worrying about if and when it will come back again. This is called,

Anticipational Anxiety. The thought of that feeling is enough to make you

feel uncomfortable and on edge not being able to enjoy anything.

Talking to a therapist about your thoughts and fears can help greatly in

reducing your stress as well as finding other ways to cope. Wishing you well :) xx

Godlyman profile image

I am 58 years old, I was 21 when I got diagnosed with panic attacks. I e been on Xanax sence. Like you I have brought myself down to one milligram a day. But i can't seem to ever get lower than that or they start back up. But I will tell you this! The more you push yourself to doing things fresh air outside you will help yourself recover. I e worked all my life and deal with the same thing. But I won't let this beat mee. I've come to far to give up and on top of this I'm raising two kids on my own. So like it is spoken above I would stop drinking anything alcohol and or drugs and tell yourself ever chance you have your going to be fine and believe me you will.paul

Spurdog1 profile image

Panic attacks are an awful experience when you first feel them. I hear people having panic attacks, and they havent experienced real panic attacks. Panic attacks are for want self inflating,. You panic and then you have an attack. You know that panic attack you had 5 minutes ago? Yes it was an attack but your heart rate is still high and you are sweating badly. But guess what, you are still alive and will continue to do so for many years. No need to check your heart. You know what I am saying? Of course you do. The biggest battle now is the battle for calm.

Slow breatrhing, not panting. Gentle excercise so your heart gets back to normal rhythm (don't bother checking it). Go to a footie match, anything that you previously enjoyed, shout at the ref, forget about yourself.

Let the doc put you on medication, see a therapist, but you need to find those pleasures you enjoyed, and really still do. Soft music, not the garage music. Find new gentle music. Yes, I experienced it many moons ago, but you are doing fine.

Teaching profile image

If they say everything is alright, then it's panic attacks. Please don't stop moving because it will be worse. Praying for you.

TJT188 profile image

Oh yea. Completely normal. It will go away. If you don’t mind, what did you take?

Mcdiarmid profile image
Mcdiarmid in reply to TJT188

I took mdma

TJT188 profile image
TJT188 in reply to Mcdiarmid

oh. Ok. I don’t know a whole bunch about this, but I understand this can mess with your sleeping pattern. Is your sleeping pattern different than before?

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