I don't want to sleep last night woke with heart palpitations and panic now I don't want to sleep. I am scared!!!
Scared to sleep: I don't want to sleep last... - Anxiety Support
Scared to sleep

I used to feel the same exact way and had a racing heart and palpitations I still do. I've just learned to live it and do my best to accept it. Try praying maybe it will ease your mind. Try listening to relaxing music with headphones, you'll be ok.
After my heart attacks I has great difficulty sleeping. This was entirely because of my fear that I would no wake up again. For a few days it was not too bad. Even for a few weeks I could cope on minimum levels of sleep. However, it soon became clear to me that there were other consequences, like irritability and depression. I went to doctor, who prescribed tablets to help me sleep. I did not take them. I was too scared. Fear. That is the reason for the behaviour. Fear is the unseen, silent bully that preys on the vulnerable. My sleep pattern is still far from normal, but I do not allow myself to be totally controlled by fear any more. That is what you need to do too. Unless you have a terminal illness there is no reason why you would not wake up in the morning. If necessary, you can 'stagger' your sleep. Say three hours, then wake for an hour or two then sleep another 3. It is not ideal, but much better than no sleep at all. Short term medication is also a possibility if you require it. I wish you well.
I suggest you visit a herbalist. I had a heart attack and all these issues and it put me at my ease. Look at relaxing teas etc and I also downloaded some sleep hypnosis tracks which I listened to whilst relaxing with a warm cup of herbal tea before bed. It really is something simple and nothing to worry about. Perhaps you are needing magnesium or zinc in the evening. I find that eating a banana helps, I now eat at least two a day. I also take Taurine and that has helped with palpitations. Do some research, there is also a panic website, I think its panicaway.com and others. I printed out some useful information and kept it by my bed if I got into an anxiety during the night. Just doing that stopped my anxiety. I keep a folder of helpful tips and hints in the car all printed out along with a banana with me and some rescue remedy. I wish you luck, its not at all pleasant but you need to find out what will help. Even a good walk late afternoon will help. You are certainly not alone.
My doctor advised getting up and making a hot drink then reading, watching a dvd something to concentrlate my mind on something else also breathing into a paper bag. It works for me. I suffer from copd so often get breathless and i find my breathing exercise helps as it also calms me plus you are cocentrating when counting.
Breathe in count to 2 out as if whistling/blowing out a candle for 4 counts. I do understand as i had a really bad panic attack whilst having a shower! now the bathroom scares me sometimes. Don't laugh but now my cat smudge follows me into the bathroom and stays with me, had him from 6 week's now 9 so my baby, as he came in when mum was trying to climb through the wall!! kept miaowing so i knew he was there so came round a bit. Take care and always here for a chat. Nobody gets us but us. X
You are welcome.i have magic a rescue girl also a mess when i got her but now looking much better and such a sweetheart. Smudge get's a bit jealous as he is a mummy's boy! Cat's are so sensitive and loving they put us to shame. Hope you have a better night's sleep. Try a milky drink or hot bath i put lavender scented drops in mine very relaxing.
if you take your pulse and get to know the rate it pulsates when you wake up and your heart feels like it is jumping out of your chest take your pulse and if it is normal for you its anxiety and cannot harm you x