Worried About the head pains that I'm having is this a normal part of anxiety?
Head Pains: Worried About the head pains... - Anxiety Support
Head Pains

Head pains are normal, with and without anxiety
Yes unfortunately... I have severe head pressure, ear pressure and dizziness
Yes I get them it feels lik tension inside the head?! Well the best thing I found was one of them head ache sticks called forehead in a pink bottle? It great made me feel I coulf breathe again! Good luCk.
Hi, I have had neuralgia pains in my head that feel like sharp prodding when my anxiety is in overdrive. Also pains in my forehead. I think that before I knew what it was, it made me more anxious and the circle goes on. Now I just accept what it is and that calms my anxiety levels down. Drink plenty of water. I have stopped using tap water because I've read fluoride is not good for thyroid disorders. I buy big 5 litre bottles of Ashbeck spring water from the shop where 'every little counts'. I read this brand is definitely free from fluoride. £2.00 for 10 litres. Also caffeine can give you headaches, I haven't touched that for years.
All the best to you.