I get these and they can be very debilitating but what really aggravaites me is when people minimalize them saying they are "JUST" panic atacks..."Pull up your socks"..."Breath deep"...As if it's only physical issues that are of any concequence..
Panic attacks....: I get these and they can... - Anxiety Support
Panic attacks....

Yes! This exactly how I feel as well. Some people are often insensitive to anxiety, and it's sad. But the thing is a panic attack is actual physical reactions to your body going into flight mode. But the key thing to always remember is that none of these things, tight throat, lump in throat, feeling like it's hard to swallow, and so on as well as tight chest and heart palpitations, all of this will not hurt you! But it sure as heck feels like it, just remember it's not going to and take a moment to relax and breathe deeply. Surround yourself with the people who will be there just to help you through this & not the people who are insensitive to it and don't care to help.
I can deal with those symptoms, it's the dizziness and confusion..Not a good idea to drive as not worth causing an accident and makes even going out to store for a few things very dicey. Fortuately I live in a small town and in the summer can actually walk for a few not to heavy groceries(won't cause an accident at least)
Thanks,it really helps to just 'unload' on someone who truly understands and actually cares. I also hate the tears just under the surface . I don't feel sad,my life is good and on a good track,but there they are,sooo embarassing. Dr is putting me on Ramerin(may have misspelled that a little) We'll see. Thanks again for the shoulder. The one good thing about this condition is that you can help others eh? God bless..Cat
Hi, yeah that upsets me too. Especially if those people are close family and friends! I've found that the majority of the time, whoever those people are, they would rather be talking about themselves. Instead of being supportive and helpful, they decide to trivialise what you are going through, either because they are fed up of hearing about it or they feel their problems are far worse.
Only people who have gone through panic attacks in life really know what they are like and just how much they can push you to your limit. I've had more suicidal thoughts over panic attacks than anything else and most of these have been triggered by things that have been said to me (I'm weak, pathetic, not reliable, antisocial, waste of a life) only because I think twice about going out socially because I'm terrified I'm gonna have an attack whilst out!!!
Keep strong Hun, just because dipshits are everywhere it doesn't mean you have to listen to them lol. Take care xxxx
You know more and more I realize it's a good thing not to hide ..it educates people and helps others that are having them too,,We reafirm that we are not alone in this. I used to hide my husbands alcoholism but when I started talking about it others openned up and shared their pain too. It really helped (didn't stop his drinking unfortunately,took a fatal car accident to do that)