Help me please.. .: I have been feeling very... - Anxiety Support

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Help me please.. .

ughhhelp94 profile image
14 Replies

I have been feeling very weird lately. The other day i ad a very scary moment. And the best way to explain it was a random feeling of im not here or im not real. Dizzy lightheaded and Faint in my head and also freaking out bc i keep thinking of me having some heart disorders or brain issue's. Idk why all this ramndom feelings of possible anxiety. I also just started a new job not too long ago.? If that helps im sorry but thays the best way i can explain it. Someone please help me.. . i cannot live like this anymore

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ughhhelp94 profile image
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14 Replies
celtic2746 profile image

hi there first things first it proberlly is anxiety attacks your having ! why dont you get to your doctor if only for him to put your mind at rest ! anxiety can be debilitating so dont suffer in silence get help its nothing to be afraid of its just anxiety ive had depression and anxiety for years and its not a easy thing to have but at least if you ask for help it will help combat how your feeling take care and have a great day. david

Tomahawk10 profile image

I'm sorry you are experiencing this and sympathize. I bought the book dealing with health anxiety and strongly recommend it. I have been dealing with myofascial pain syndrome for three months and have created my own private hell in my mind. I convinced myself it's a 100 different disorders and it's been quite enabling. I encourage you to research and find supportive people to surround yourself with.

KimMc2002 profile image

You are describing depersonalization or derealization. They are very common with anxiety especially when your under stress! Maybe look those two things up. It may make you feel better.

HareBrainedIdeas profile image


How are you feeling this morning?

First of all it's important to understand that anxiety can affect people in many different ways and the symptoms can vary. Anxiety is sneaky and can find many ways of making it's presence known!

I would go to see your GP though and discuss how you are feeling, not because I think you are ill, but because it will put your mind at rest when you realise there is nothing physically wrong with you. This means there is one less thing you need to be anxious about.

Get this step out of the way and then you know what you are dealing with and can then try to manage the anxiety.

Small steps.

Hope this helps and that you start to feel more in control soon.

MrsG88 profile image

I don't know if it's the same thing I have but I can describe it as a foggy head and I feelmy balance is off or something like dizziness . I was told its anxiety but I don't know . I noticedy sight is not as it used to be too. Started wearing glasses and I noticed it helps . Hope you feel better but I would consult a doctor just to for reassurance

gem60 profile image

hi i want to let you know you are not alone ..i have suffered health anxiety all my life

and general anxiety disorder for the last 20 years ,,i have had every symptom in the book ..including what you have ,i used to be a van driver and remember going to a shop and feeling the floor was spinning and felt very faint ,,i pestered my doctor for tests 1 had brain scan ecg .. it was undiagnosed anxiety disorder that caused it ,,never got diagnosed until 5 years ago after having reflux for many years camera down twice numerous

tests for gall stones .migraines eye disorders you name it i had the test ,,i have muscle twitching sometimes shaking, headaches,eye pain ,leg pain you name it i have had the symptom ,, not until a new doctor at our surgery picked up on it i that i had it because i could see no reason for the symptoms they came out of nowhere ..

i was recommended to a fantastic psychologist who is helping me with my problems

and i now feel 60% better if i get a wave of something unusual i tell my self it will go away soon as i am not allowing the thought of illness to get into my mind ..and sure enough the feeling goes ..and i know it is very very scary thinking something is wrong .but believe me anxiety is the cause ,,,,,,,,

snow-13 profile image

Totally understand where your coming from. It won't be heart or brain but it feels very like it, I know that feeling exactly. Def go for help to your Gp. Anxiety is nota tine problem, it can change your life but my best advice is not to feed it. If you starve it it will die, feed it and it ives quite happily in your brain. Get it told its not staying. Can you watch Steven Furlick.. Br brave on you tube. Anxiety eventually stopped me going out at all and I loved outdoors. Slowly I learned how to not feed the thought that it thrived on. After a very long time I am now steadily facing the world that we are meant to be part of. Its a hard one cause you feel a bit crazy but your not. Try stay positive best you can about all the good in your life. A new job can be a bit of a trigger, new people etc but your working and thats great. You can beat this and everyone on here can help. But I would def get into mindfulness also on you tube. God values your life and wants you to be happy x Here if you need a friend

emmamyrna24 profile image

Hello please dont feel bad im exactly where you are. I also think im dying of every ilness. Now i think i have a brain tumour because i have numbness in my face and ear. It is a wonder how illness can really stuff up your whole existence. If its not one thing then another starts. I have permanent thick thick heads like pressure in my head. Like a tight band is being put over the top of my head. Im on so much medication but no help.

Cher552012 profile image

How old are you? Have you gone to the Drs.? You have to relax and a friend when this happens, watch TV. Keep your mind off yourself. Exercise and stay away from any caffeine. It only makes it worse. Listen to self help tapes....something soothing. I had panic attacks for 6 years and never on meds. Do not take anything.....go for bio feedback. That helps too.

Good Luck and God be with you at this time.......


Kenya40 profile image

I'm sorry that you are going through this. Those symptoms are definitely anxiety related. The key to anxiety is letting the symptoms take their course without panicking. Anxiety does not kill us but it sure as heck feel like it. I've been doing really well by using this tactic. It will pass if you don't fight it. Try breathing, doing something to distract you, call a friend, pray, read a book, clean the house. Anything to keep your mind off of the symptoms. Best wishes my friend!

Ok, I have been light headed for 4 yrs everyday. First off don't let it get the best of you. If you give it life then it will get worse. Just accept that it is there but try to ignore it. I would get some tests done and then look into a few simple things. First get a blood test and have them look at your Vitamin D, B12, Magnesium, and Iron levels. If you are low in these it can make you feel crappy. Next go to an ENT and have them check your inner ear and see if your vestibular is not working right. You may also want to consider TMJ which is an issue with your jaw, and last I would consider your SCM muscle which is in your neck. These are all simple things to look into first and look up on line. They can all make you feel dizzy if they are not right. I was told it was depression and they gave me pills. It made me feel worse not better. I hope you feel better.

steadfast66 profile image

Yes you can and will live with it until it subsides. You are not alone. I have felt the same way that I can't take it anymore...I can't live like this. But I did and I have. I started feeling weird...out of body sensations....high awareness of myself....feeling invisible...not I"m going to lose control of my speech and mind. None of this will actually affect your daily functioning unless you become so afraid and give in. Mine came on from anxiety. Finding the source of your anxiety and dealing with it, will help. Seeing a therapist will help. Try to concentrate on whatever you are doing which will help to take your mind off what you are feeling. You can enjoy life even in the state you are in. I have depersonalization. There are some good websites to help you understand this disorder and deal with it. Just Google it.

Sraiva profile image

Yes, you are having a panic atack . The best way of deal with that is getting help with a therapist. I've through the same feelings and to ER twice with pain in my chest. The doctors couldn't find anything, and I've been seeing a therapist and I'am feel in much better.

kbizzack profile image

I have been dealing with anxiety and panic disorder for over 4 yrs now. It can be very scary. I def feel how you feel. I always feel like I'm unbalanced. The latest thing with me is i think vertigo. I woke at 3am and was dizzy And my eyes were jiggly. I have not went to the dr yet. Anxiety is a big trick that loves messing with our minds. I have a lot of faith in god and believe he will heal me. It's all on his watch. Have some faith pray and watch god work. Hope you feel better soon.

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