What is one thing people with anxiety are known for? Their prime commonality that is even above worry? One word:
For many, it's not just a worry of having a panic attack or feeling a certain way in a given situation. And since most anxiety sufferers are very imaginative people (including myself), they can visualize every wrong thing that could happen in this world of what ifs. It's not just a pain in the chest, perhaps it's a heart problem, because though UNLIKELY, it isn't completely, 100% out of the realm of possibility.
This is how the mindset of those with anxiety works and I get it. I have it. For some reason there's a bit of security in worrying because since you've used it before and nothing bad had happened, it becomes habit and almost an illusion for controlling a situation.
Anyway, I'm going to work on minimizing my fears. Though it feels like I could use a hundred adjectives to describe my fear, I'm going to start downplaying my fears.
And eventually, you may just see yourself believing them, just as you did with these.