I hope I won't offend anyone by asking this question, but here it goes. I have heard that smoking pot helps with anxiety and panic to calm you down, however when I do (which is very seldom) it makes me a bit more anxious than I thought. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Any and all responses are very welcomed and thank you in advanced.
Strange question : I hope I won't offend... - Anxiety Support
Strange question

Hi nomorepanic, I don't knot exactly but from my own thoughts & people who I have known not friends more knowing of them it may seem to relax the body in short term but lono term continual could have down sides maybe if the not knowing would be best put into an alternative lifestyle ie healthy foods vitamins supplements self help coming on this forum & chatting about issues that would help iv found helped me big hugs binkynoo
If it is pot , drink or drugs they all can give some temporary relief from any issues they are suffering with but they don't solve the problem in fact they can create another problem such as addiction or like you have found make you feel worse
I would not always believe everything you hear but trust your own experience that is does not help you & look for other ways like maybe seeing your GP or getting some counselling as well as talking to others who suffer to help with your anxiety x
Actually for me, smoking weed is what caused/started my panic attacks. I had already been suffering with anxiety but had either smoked too much or something one time and I started freaking out which what I now know as a panic attack. It was terrifying and whenever I feel anxious I go back to that time it first happened which creates the terrified feelings I had at that time. I also can't even smell the stuff without started to get more anxious than normal. I don't suggest it but for some they like it. A few of my friends said it also makes it worse for them.
that's exactly what I thought. Makes me feel the same way. Well good-bye to Mary Jane. Thanks to all for the comments.

I only know 3 people who smoke pot - one has been committed to a hospital and has recurrent paranoia, one just has the paranoia, the other has strange anger issues / paranoia.
Ive never seen anything to recommend it! I suppose in the short term it would chill you out - but i doubt it would in the long term.
It depends on the quality. Some relax and others can induce anxiety.
If it's too strong it can cause panic attacks.