Hi All newbie here have read through many posts and have found people with similar experiences to myself but thought I'd share my personal experience and get feedback if possible.
Anyway about 2 months ago I started getting bouts of dizziness and confusion although I do feel they may have been going on for up to a couple of years longer I cannot ever remember having it as bad so I have come to the conclusion it is a new occurrence.
Anyway I was exercising and I am usually very fit but I just felt lost like everything was going on around me and I couldn't concentrate on anything and felt confusion and as if I was in a bubble (very hard to explain not sure if this is the right wording for how I felt to be honest) anyway this was followed by nausea and chest pain and I ended up in hospital.
I had recently been going through a very stressful time at work but nothing that I would think would bring this on on top of this me and my partner had just moved house and had a child (our second girls do she's gorgeous) I obviously had very little sleep leading up to this and adding to the extra drive to work as we now live around 40 miles away whereas I used to be just a round the corner. I felt like I was on autopilot most of the time and had almost fallen asleep at the wheel whilst driving etc. Again I never thought it could bring on these dizzy spells or confusion etc.
After spending a night in hospital around people that were clearly not well and seemingly a lot worse off than myself I started panicking about whether something was seriously wrong with me (as you would I think with a new child and a family to care for) it was put down to stress and although I am having ongoing appointments to rule out anything else I sort of accepted it. However I did start to Google my symptoms (please do not do this) and some of the possible causes where very scary ranging from different cancers, brain abnormalities, aids, leukaemia etc etc (the chances of me having any of these are slim so I don't know why I worried so much) anyway that is when I started getting symptoms of other illnesses and managed to get a cold that was going round and everyone else around me was getting although to me it felt mine wasn't linked and that mine was caused by something more major.
Through the last few weeks I have had burning or itchy and crawling skin feeling, headache and eye pain, sinus pressure, stiff muscle and aches around neck and shoulders, twitching eyes and sensitivity to light, stomach gurgling, nausea, body trembles but not actually shaking (this was also happening at the beginning), fatigue restlessness and other symptoms aswell I think I have named the main ones. Worse for me is when I feel good and like I'm getting better then boom the next day I feel like poop. The other day I felt great and like I was over whatever it was then I had a bad nights sleep and felt extremely nauseated the next day and then after I feel all icky and generally unwell.
I know that from reading the forums my symptoms are very similar to some posters but I suppose the nature of the beast is that we wish to not believe that anxiety could possibly cause so many symptoms regardless of the research and experiences of others.
Anyway just wanted to share my story and see if this rings true or is similar to others experiences.
Thanks in advance for any help and advice and look forward to hearing from others hope my post can possibly help others in future.