Ok, so its been a year since I was told I have health anxiety and IBS
For many months all was going well, I've tried to stay off here and the internet in general, but in the last few days, all I can think about is Cancer again.
Doesn't help that on TV, papers, internet, buses, shops its Stand up to cancer, or race for life Etc Etc.....
Then today on Facebook I see a lady younger than me (I'm 34) has died from Colon Cancer!
I'm still not sure I have IBS, doctors have done nothing but felt my stomach. oh and gave me some lansoprazole, 30mg then 15mg.
But I still get this feeling of trapped wind (mainly at night in Bed, or days where my BM are small and I feel like its just sitting there (Sorry)
I don't get blood in BM (not that I can see)
I don't or haven't had diarrhea for years
I'm not crippling over in pain
Defo not losing weight
Feel tired but that's just because I have 3 kids under 6 and don't sleep great.
I don't want to go to the doctors again for the 7th or 8th time and I don't want it to ruin Christmas this time. (Wife would kill me)
Is it just a form of IBS?
if it was something more sinister, would it of got worse by now?
Are the doctors not willing to listen because I'm 34 and they don't think its likely at my age?
Sorry if this seems like a repeat of my previous posts its just I need to talk