Woke up really anxious: Hi all Well I’ve... - Anxiety Support

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Woke up really anxious

Natsteveo profile image
21 Replies

Hi all

Well I’ve had a good few months and for the last few weeks had a pain in my tummy when I press it to see where the pain is it is a little painful then cause me to release a bit of wind (I do apologise) I suffer with health anxiety so like a silly moo I googled my symptoms and ovarian cancer stomach cancer or bowel so I’m in a right state of mind as you can imagine so since that I’m waking up anxious I’ve rang my doctors for a appointment and all I get is your ibs is flaring up or you could be peri menopause or your overweight you need to restart SlimmingWorld see if the symptoms stop so I’m too scared to eat now I have but abit of weight on since lockdown.. not one appointment for me to go in and be checked over which is making me worse .. has anyone else had something similar with this pain I feel like we have to be drs ourselves sorry to bother you all I hope everyone is doing well

Nat ♥️

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21 Replies
Lizziedee profile image

Hi Natz, this is so weird as I’ve had this recently!! I am coming off one medication to start another so my anxiety it ripping the p*as out of me and has me constantly thinking omg this is it this is the serious one now. In relation to the stomach pain, my eating has been all over the place and with my ibs and weight it does the very same to me as what you are describing. I used to drink so much full fat cola so I changed to water and not sure about you but when my anxiety is bad I hardly eat at all and drink loads of water like I’m really supposed to. However when the anxiety calms down I slip and revert back to some bad habits. I won’t say try not to worry because that never helps. Can you call the doctor in the morning to check for cancellations? We can do this here (Scotland) I would suggest doing this if it’s possible as while we are going through these things we need the reassurance. I never look up internet now because you will always find horror stories. Sending hugs 🤗

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Lizziedee

Hi there thanks so much for reaching out to me it just cripples me with fear when I read the word its scary aint it ...I dont think there's ought wrong I just can't shift my mind from thinking it which makes it worse don't it...yes I hardly eat when I'm stressed either just drink the thought of food just churns my gut lol but thanks so much for your reassurance with our drs were still ring and get a call back if we ring for a cancellation they've never got any but I'm thinking of changing GPS to be honest mine are literally terrible with people with mental health problems xx

Lizziedee profile image
Lizziedee in reply to Natsteveo

I advised a friend of mine to do the same & she has now been put on the right medication etc. I know it’s a real thought but if you aren’t getting any help then it has to be better changing? I know how terrifying it gets and for me just now it’s the vaccines 🤦🏻‍♀️ the difference some reassurance makes to us is huge!! I hope you can find some comfort in knowing you are not the only one who is tortured by your thoughts. Please message any time. Xx

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Lizziedee

Thankyou so much I know about the vaccine fear 😨 I've not had it yet I'm gonna hang on for a little longer see how it turns out.ive seen too many bad things my eyelash lady's husband had it the first one was fine then second wow he had a dome like bruisey lump on the inside of his forearm it was a bloodclot and and now the whole of his arm is black and yellow with bruising covering his whole arm and he's got a golf ball size lump where his bloodclot was yet the gp says its ok how can that be OK. Thanks though for your advise 😊

Nat xx

Hey Nat. I suffer from ibs symptoms too. It is possible that could be it. I've had pain in my stomach constantly. It's not a good feeling. I wish it would go away. I'm currently seeing gastroenterologist to figure out what's going on besides that. I have to use a packet with powder for 30 days. Makes things taste different. Applesauce was like paste. Doing that doesn't work she has something else she wants to try. She says she had a list in her mind. Going to check them off as she goes thru them. I hope they can get to the bottom of your ordeal.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Hi R I think I've got ibs flare up and acid reflux that's what I think 🤔 but my heads telling me it's something wrong xx

in reply to Natsteveo

It's hard to think that ibs and acid reflux can cause that much pain. Are you on anything for those? I'm on omeptazole for acid reflux. They haven't done anything for my ibs but to cut out all the foods that are bad. Still bad. I've changed doctors too and hopefully now I have a good one. She's been a godsend so far since I lost my last one when she moved to a different facility. Hopefully you can get in to ease your mind.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Yeah me too I take lansoprazol however it spelt 😏😉

in reply to Natsteveo

Spelled just like that.😊😊😊.Sometimes I think they spell it weird to make everyone spell it wrong. 😁😁😁

Hi Nat

This flipping Health Anxiety is such a pain in the you know what

You have been having a good spell so it has found a way to get in again and try and take control

I get trapped wind and IBS and if I press it does the same it is nothing serious but our heads will now go into overdrive

I am sat here waiting for a double bypass and you would think that would be enough for Health Anxiety to have a field day and leave other things alone but O no I have water infections so we are on bladder cancer I had 2nd covid jab so we are on blood clots it just feels even when you do have something wrong something quite major it still rears it's ugly head and creates even more

Try and kick it in the butt , don't let it win ( easier said than done )

It just hates when we are doing ok and will find anything and everything to sneak back in ! x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Hi babes 😘Yeah this is so true about health anxiety rears it's ugly head when we doing OK..I was the same a few months ago had a uti convinced it were bladder C..its horrible how your mind can switch your thoughts to scary one's hope you get your bypass quick and soon babes xxx

b1b1b1 profile image

No matter what you google, even a pimple, it always, eventually gets to cancer or heart disease. Try not to do it. Check the IBS web site on HU. To me, it does sound like IBS, which I also have, however, since you are concerned, make an appointment with your doctor.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to b1b1b1

I've been trying to get in my drs but been having trouble for the last 2 weeks I'm gonna try again tomorrow thankyou Nat xx

Rizo1 profile image

Hi Nat. Sorry you're experiencing tummy troubles. I get them too. Have you thought about going gluten free or having lacofree milk? I get IBS symptoms and have alerted my diet Hope you feel better soon xx

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Rizo1

I have been thinking gluten free and lactose free haven't got a clue where to start with for gluten free Thanks you so much

Nat xx

Rizo1 profile image
Rizo1 in reply to Natsteveo

Hi Nat. I buy gluten free bread pasta biscuits in Tesco or Morrisons. It's slightly different to normal bread in texture but its fine.They sell lacofree milk in all the supermarkets. It tastes the same as normal milk. Much easier to find these foods these foods then it was years ago. Might be worth a go xxx

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Rizo1

I’m going to get some shopping tomorrow morning so I’m gonna stick some gluten free in there thank you 🙏 xxx

Rizo1 profile image
Rizo1 in reply to Natsteveo

Hope it will help you. Good luck.let us know how you go xxx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Natsteveo

Hi Nat, see what your doctor says before changing your diet.

The only gluten free product I eat is Pillsbury Chocolate ChipMuffins.

Out of this world good luck dear with your appointment. Let us know

what he says :) xx

hypercat54 profile image

Hi Nat great to see you. I didn't answer before coz I know nothing about ibs. However I met a good friend today who has ibs too and has been suffering the same symptoms. She went to the doctors several times and was eventually sent for an ultrasound. She has also had an endoscopy and gastrocopy (I think that's wrong but it's the other end.) I think keep going back and they will do something if you push them.

She also said that something called Buspo something which you can buy over the counter has stopped the pain and she is feeling a lot better now. Is it Buscopan? If you haven't already try that and hopefully it will help you too. Worth a try anyway.

I hope you feel better very soon my friend. x

labnerd profile image

I have also had the same issue. It’s rare, but it happens occasionally. Usually if I eat unhealthy foods is when it happens to me. I also have really bad health anxiety. I try my best to stay off google when something is bothering me because it always causes panic attacks. Hope you start to feel better soon.

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