every night I go to sleep, I feel fear of my own heart, that its gonna stop and im gonna die and i feel that it does.. like it really stops and i feel some kind of worry, dunno. it seems that my heart has not a regular beat rhythm.and its just not only at nights and i really need help how can i cope with it?? get rid of it?? help help
Heartbeat fear :(: every night I go to sleep... - Anxiety Support
Heartbeat fear :(

It sounds as though you have an Irregular heartbeat...it's when the electrical signal that starts the heartbeat begins in the wrong chamber. It feels like it's stopping or missing a beat when in fact it makes an extra one....DONT WORRY...it's very common...it can be caused by medication, mine was caused by my blood pressure pills...see your doctor, ask for a 24 hr blood pressure monitor...also maybe see a cardiologist who will do an echocardiogram (painless) you may need a medication called a Beta blocker, but it could be that you drink a lot of coffee..,something as simple as that so try not to worry.
It is horrible, I know that, I was worried sick when it happened to me.
Good luck.
cut out sugar and go onto a ketogenic diet
our heart beats at the wrong rhythm if we consume too much sugar/glucose
start taking sulphur coarse crystal flakes make sure they contain No additives or anti caking agents in as this stops anything working further than the GI tract this will clear your arteries out and will remove the chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
If you are still worried about having a heart attack get some red chilli peppers the capsicum in them opens your arteries around your heart, make the chilli's into a paste if you have a heart attack wipe paste onto heart this will give you an 85% chance of survival
could be premature ventricular contractions. I had them few months ago at the peak of my anxiety and now I hardly notice when I do get them.. and when I do feel my pulse I don't even really get them anymore
it's normal for those that have an anxiety disorder or panic disorder to have them because when you're anxious or in panic, your body releases adrenaline. too much adrenaline in your body causes your heart to skip beats. srs. and so right now you're in a cycle --> anxious causing adrenaline to release and therefore your heart to skip beats and that therefore makes you more anxious..
I know it's hard but you need to stop thinking about your pulse.
but, with that being said, you should go see a doctor about it just in case
I do know that anxiety will make your heart do all kinds of crazy stuff. I've been going to a heart doctor for 4 months and they can't find anything wrong but anxiety.
This is anxiety. Keep in mind that anxiety is nasty but will not kill you. Your heart is very strong and these feelings will not harm you, although I know how distressing they can be. Go to your GP and ask for cbt counselling. While you're there, ask if he/she could just check your heart. I strongly suspect there will be nothing wrong. In fact, you have a suspicion that it might be anxiety because you've chosen this web page! Good luck.