Ok we all know all of them are terrible but my worst symptoms are weak / tense arm and leg muscles, my face gets hot for no reason for hours at a time and the dizziness I have almost daily (probably my worst symptom) what are your worst anxiety symptoms?
What is your worst anxiety symptom? - Anxiety Support
What is your worst anxiety symptom?

Mine is pain in my stomach and chest because I relate it to stomach cancer then a panick attack follows shortly after.
Fear and feeling dizziness are my worst.
Fluttery feeling in my stomach nearly all the time even when I am not aware of feeling anxious.
My head goes red hot, feels like I can't breathe, burning sensations, dizziness, head feeling funny, loss of co ordination, fear of dying, fear of loosing control of my bladder and fear of going to sleep.... These are my worst symptoms xx
electrical feeling in my neck that radiates down my arms, constant dizziness, feeling like going to fall over when walking, unable to relax ever.
Stomach pains ant twitching
Sore back shoulders neck
Tingling in arms
Legs feel numb or weak
Sore chest
Shortness of breath
Blurred vision
Speech problems
the list for on
Best thing to do is breath through it when it gets at its worst

Oh my goodness I have all those pains in my tummy make me think could it be the big C Ive been to the Dr'a with the pains I have my blood test results say I'm fine but why oh why do I have these pains in my right side, never thought about stress etc
Dizziness all day everyday is the worst for me. Also, I just always feel sick.