What do you think I have?: Sometimes I see... - Anxiety Support

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What do you think I have?

TDS3 profile image
7 Replies

Sometimes I see weird I cant explane it but its not normal. when I get hurt I think the worst possible thing and my heart races. I sometimes get paines in my chest. It feels like im half in here or someone else is making my decesions. I really need help.It just started this like 6 months ago plys help.

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TDS3 profile image
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7 Replies
daisymay70 profile image

Hi TDS,it seems that you`ve the fear to have some kind of illnesses, but in reality is not so.Sometimes we create some thought maybe related to our unconscious,something happened in the past,an event for example, as you said it started 6 months ago and then we feel these body sensations and make life uncomfortable.When I feel anxious or I make a similar thought as your one as getting hurt and thinking the worst of it,well I am trying to keep busy doing something else watching tv,calling a friend, music, wordsearch and so on.It`s important to move your negative thought and feeling to something you like to do, anything could be fine, even making a lovely cup of tea and sipping slowly.Anyway, you can ask your GP about CBT that NHS can give to you as talking therapy and you will find the way to deal with your feelings , emotions and body sensations.Take care

Have you had a word with your Doctor , who im sure can put your mind at rest, it does seem like to me thats its all Anxiety related , i have been the same, and problem is more we worry about it ,the worse it feels our minds are very powerful ,we do not realise the connection betwwen mind and body

tonia1976 profile image

Anxiety disorder I think!

Marelle profile image

You seem to be suffering from anxiety, panic attacks. Go to your GP because there are lots of medications and/or counseling that can help. You don't have to suffer this.

Frankie77x profile image

Hello TDS,

This sounds rooted in anxiety and I think you are suffering from panic attacks. Sometimes if we have suffered a trauma we deal with it at the time but then at a vulnerable moment it surfaces and we don't realise why. Could this possibly be true of you? When this happens often it can become 'habitual' behaviour that we have learnt ourselves and we have to 'unlearn' it with replacing the negative reactions with positive ones. It sounds that you would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as this is about reprogramming your brain to have a more positive response. You would need a referral from your GP, meantime try to read some literature such as 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies', 'The Inner Chimp' set of books and 'The Power of Now', my daughter has found this incredibly helpful, it will help you to understand the psychology of how we react as human beings and put things into perspective and stop you worrying. The feeling of not making your own decisions is because you feel you have no control over the panic attack, this is a very strong emotion, and you sound like you are suffering from self doubt, these are very distressing feelings at the time and can feel like a vicious circle, because the more you worry, the more you panic. Negative thinking gives rise to powerful horrible emotions, the thought causes the feeling, therefore when you have a strange thought, in your head say the word 'THINK', this acknowledges the thought, but then sticks it on the back burner, because we can't switch our brains off, but we can deal with the negative thought, then try to focus on the tasks you have in hand and just try to think of them in a calm and focused way. Each time you get a panicky feeling or negative thought use this method and try to keep your mind busy and avoid negative situations as best as possible, where it's not necessary....although things that are necessary to face, 'face your fear' it is not the monster you 'think' it is, bop it on the nose like every other bully, it is weaker than you think, bullies leave you alone when you stand up to them, this is what a panic attack is 'a nasty little bully', love and appreciate yourself, never put yourself down, you are human with many different aspects, never beat yourself up, guilt and other emotions are only there as pain markers so as we move on from situations, and try not to repeat them, they're not there to destroy you and beat you up, so don't let them, you'll eventually learn to fear nothing, I know because I've been there and it can be beaten, onwards and upwards, you can do it.

Love and Hugs xx

steadfast66 profile image

You are not alone. For months I have been feeling like I'm going to lose control, in a dreamlike state, feeling invisible, etc. I started seeing a therapist which helped me to refocus my thoughts on positive things. First of all, know that you are not going crazy. You do know reality from make-believe. In my case, these feelings stem from anxiety. Discover what you are anxious about and deal with them one at a time (a therapists will help with this). Much of which we worry about never comes to past. Some of what we worry about we can do nothing about, so why worry. Things that we can change that bother us, we should change it...seek help if necessary in doing that. Some times there are people in our lives which we need to distance ourselves from. I am taking Gaba 750mg and L-Theanine 100mg (from the health food store) which has helped to relax me. I take these at night. I had to take them several days before they became effective. TDS3, I'm praying for you. I am a Christian so praying and reading scripture has helped me tremendously. God is in control.

brookechookie profile image

Anxiety and Stress--- I suggest counselling or seeing a psychologist, some is covered for free under medicare or subsidised (which means you pay less for a certain amount of visits). If you talk to a gp ( your local doctor) you can apply for a free psychological evaluation and assessment at the Black Dog Insitute: blackdoginstitute.org.au

This could help you identify if you have a mental disorder or are just anxious and stressed... which could help you identify relaxation and coping mechanism which would be most helpful to you.

It sounds like you may be panicking when stressed or emotional. I would say your anxiety is causing your heart to race, your breathing to increase, your muscles to tense.. which can lead to loss of concentration and physical pain. This post may be helpful: healthunlocked.com/anxietys...

My post may be helpful: healthunlocked.com/anxietys...

Otherwise trying googling: 'relaxation techniques', 'coping techniques', 'breathing techniques', 'visualisation techniques' or 'mindfulness techniques'

Good luck

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