I over think things that makes me worry "about what's going to happen next" then i feel like i want to vomit and i get the shakes. depression kicks in and i feel like i just want to give up on everything. I feel lonely at times and i just want to scream.
What do i do???: I over think things that... - Anxiety Support
What do i do???

Oh bless you.
I find it best to just lay down and take deep breaths and focus on the present moment and worry about things when you get to it.
Also keep a diary as it puts things into prospective and makes you think. Find something that calms you down like a certain smell or sensation.
Hi, what you have written I could have written about myself! Honestly I over think everything and I always imagine the worst case scenario! I then feel sick and go hot and cold and start shaking and sweating! It really does help to come onto this wonderful site. You are not alone at all. Please let me know if you need a chat. Sending you lots of strength. Take care, Amanda
Hi ActionChaz, I like your style of writing about anxiety. Never heard of secondary fear. Good analogy of what is happening at the time. Are you book trained or is this coming from life experience? I feel the more we know, the more we have gone through all the steps of anxiety and fear. Good to have you on the forum...
Thanks ActionChaz, Claire Weeks is my favorite too. I carried her book around like it was my bible. We seem to think alike on what anxiety is and how to accept it and go on living. If a bad day comes along know that I'm here for you too. take care
@ActionChaz, "Day tight compartments.... Dale Carnegie has some great advice! Thanks for reminding me so I can dust off my copy of "Stop Worrying and Start Living."
thank you Tigger1988 since my last post i havent had any full on anxiety attacks, only a little here and there. Writing has helped me.