Hiya everyone...over last two months I have developed an annoying eye twitch..i recognise this period has been more stressful than usual and anxiety sky high..any ideas on treatment or experience of this x
Twitching nerve left upper eyelid. - Anxiety Support
Twitching nerve left upper eyelid.

I had that really badly after a very anxious time. It gradually faded away.
Yes I get it to & it is very annoying !
I always think that is must look as bad as it feels when my eye twitches but I have looked through the mirror when it does it & unless you look close you can hardly see it but you feel it more
I think it is just one of those things & I know people without anxiety get it to , but like Bramwell says it does settle down again
Take Care
I have this at the moment too in my right eye! Very annoying haha cxx
at least am not alone...im certain its because of stress and high caffeine doses!what do you think..we could take it in turns...swop my left for your right...then we can each have a few weeks at a time..one with constant twitches...the other with 'normal' eyes lol..aww thanks! aye aye!! lol..you gotta try laugh!!
thanks everyone for your replies x
No problem x