I suffer with severe anxiety, I'm constantly worried, it's making me upset and fed up, does anyone get pressure in their head which feels like it's going to explode? It's really freezing me out and I'm so scared along with lots of other symptoms, I hate it
Help me: I suffer with severe anxiety, I'm... - Anxiety Support
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Hi sorry you are suffering but I have the same head thing I think when the adrenaline hits your heart it send your bp up well it does in my case anyway, I'm having a bad day too with it as well, maybe someone with more knowledge than me pop in and have some more advice for you, I'm battling with all kinds of sensations today.
rubbish isn't it, I have alsorts of different things everyday, really gets me down, I need to stay strong for my kids but it's so hard, I can't stop thinking about all the symptoms! Sorry you feel this way too
Hello Dizzychar,
It's a nasty feeling the head pressure.
It could be like kimbo said the adrenaline rush or in my case jaw/tooth clenching/grinding.
Do you clench your jaw?
A tight neck mucles can also cause this.
Taking a warm/hot bath helps and some pain meds if it's safe for you
Thanks for your reply, I do get this a lot been there most of the day so I don't think it's adrenaline rush, I do have a clicky jaw though think they call it tmj, I've had headache for the past few hours too, took some paracetamol but hasn't made a difference x
Hi, I have recently started pregabalin for severe anxiety- my worse symptom used to be feelings of dread and fear in chest which have got marginally better but now getting very full head and tight shoulders -are you on any medication? I am relatively new to anxiety and am finding it a horrendous experience and as off sick have got too much time to dwell on it-wish you well
I've just suffered a loss 7 weeks ago, the doc started me back on my meds which I took for about 3 weeks and then I decided I didn't want them and stopped taking them about 2 weeks ago, I'm in fear all day long, I feel drained and upset, really getting me down, I want to be 'normal' again sorry to hear you feel rubbish, are you seeing anyone for it? X
Just started cbt but difficuilt to work on thoughts when physical symptoms get bad but I will try as have to hope it will help-I understand the reluctance with meds but I was so desperate and had s/e with last lot felt had to give these a try-did you feel any better on meds? Good luck x
Cbt is good I had that just over 2 years ago and found it worked well, I'm going to have some counciling in a week or so. Hard to say with the meds, they've helped me lots in the past, this time I didn't feel they was helping so the doc upped the dose, which made me feel week and strange so I stopped them altogether, unsure what to do at the moment but I'm making an app tomorrow so maybe will sort something out. And the cbt is a lot of work but does teach you a lot, I no it's hard when your anxious but it will get easier x
I suffer with the head pressure and constant headaches when my anxiety is really bad, the only things that seem to help are cocodamol, exercise and relaxation for me. Hope you start feeling better soon
Jules x
Thanks jules, I need to find a way to get through this, it doesn't help as I'm grieving and it has made it 10 times harder for me, I'm so down at the minute and so scared x
Utube "Eckhart Tolle anxiety and fear", it should be a 17.05 min vid..You won't get what he's saying straight away, & it might take a few weeks practice before it starts to sink in..Try to stick with it, & at least have a practice at what he says..People have said to me he's boring etc, & so don't bother with him..All i would say is it's the best advice anyone could learn, no matter if your happy or depressed, male or female etc....The vid i mention for example you might have to watch 10 times, before you have a clue what it's all about..So stick with it, & try not to let your mind put you off.
Hi Dizzychar, sorry I'm replying late but as I read your post it sounds too familiar I've had the same symptoms plus more I'm sorry you were feeling this way. I hope you're feeling better! Take care
The way to stop worrying is to start doing mindfulness practice, which means distracting negative thoughts as soon as your aware your "lost in negative thoughts"..The trick is actually realizing your "lost in negative thoughts" in the first place, so you start by trying to realize afterwards..You remind yourself that you just "lost it" or we're "lost in negative thoughts, & as you practice that your awareness becomes greater..Like i say your'l soon be aware when ever your lost in negative thoughts, & they will become less & less as you practice..When you do realize you distract the negative thoughts with mindfulness, which is simply engrossing yourself & fully concentrating on objects around you or your surroundings etc or an activity, & you try not to let your mind drift onto other things..Mindfulness requires & essay to even begin to explain how it works, but it's all on utube by a guy called Eckhart Tolle..Next time your worrying try juggling 3 apples/oranges, & see if you can worry & juggle at the same time..Remember the less you do worry, the less you will worry..At the same time the more you do worry, the more you will worry..So you have to start distracting your negative thoughts, & get your mind back to being neutral & logically thinking.
Hi dizzy char I suffer the same as you with anxiety as soon as I wake up I try and do things read or go on my iPad to take my mind off it sometimes I think it's worse than the depression .im going to see a councillor tomorrow but I'm having to pay private thought I would give it a try.