I have been worried, stress with severe anxiety. I can't sleep without a sleeping pill. And I don't have an appetite which is causing weight. I need help so bad. Drs say I'm fine. But my mine is worried. I'm afraid. I don't go outside afraid to socialize. And it's affecting my job. Please someone help me. I'm loosing it. I can't go on like this.
HELP me: I have been worried, stress with... - Anxiety Support

Hi there its getting late here coming up for eleven so you may not get many replies, so maybe hold on till the morning and more people will reply to you. I'm sorry you are feeling worried and afraid; I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight as that can help with anxiety. Sorry I can't help any more at the minute; I'm very tired myself and just about to go to bed but did not want you to feel alone. Gemma x
Thank you I hope I get replies I look sick from not being able to eat
Hi Hawaii what's making you feel so worried at the moment?
I always worry about my health, even though the doctors say I'm ok. I worry all the time to the point I can't eat which makes me lose weight, and that makes things worse. I have to take a sleeping pill just to sleep. My mouth is dry I itch. I know anxiety and worry takes a toll on the body. I do not know what to do. I feel isolated and helpless.
Like you I get very stressed about my health, I feel its only natural when you feel so unwell so often. I too am agoraphobic and hate socializing. Are you on any meds to help? Cos I was a lot worse before my meds. X
Hi Sam I have Zoloft but I'm reluctant to take it. I don't need the side effects weight loss etc.
morning Hawaii I promise you that you can control your health anxiety I have had it for 5 years now and ive pretty much got it controlled I do still get moments it still rears its ugly head but I do deep breathing and concentrate only on my breathing when I become worried and when a health issue comes into my mind I immediately start counting to twenty our minds cant concentrate on 2 things at once eat smaller meals thruoput the day will be easier for you and take the Zoloft when you feel really anxious it wont affect your weight in a bad way but it will allow you to feel calm for awhile even sleepy If you need me feel free to message me ill always get back to you God bless you and keep you safe and healthy remember your amazing
well im here if you need to vent anytime it used to affect my everyday as well but ill help you get your power back to fight against it and before you know it you will have your life back under your control and each day will get easier first tonight before you go to bed play some meditation music to relax your mind and your body and deep breth thru your nose and slowly out your mouth three times and clear your mind only concentrate on your breathing nothing else okay and tell yourself inside your head nourish and cleanse my soul...that will be the last thing your mind will remember try it might sound stupid but it works if you concentrate
very true but we have the power to control our fear when we change our thoughts then our body wont respond as much we tense up and feel sick to our stomaches ,heart races ,we sweat all because of our fear of what might be wrong then we analyze ourselv es trying to figure out what it is its a vicious cycle breath slowly when you start to feel anxious and try to calm your thoughts im here if you get scared ill help you thru it