I got told I'm being admitted today volentary. I'm worried about what will happen ect. Has anyone any ideas? they said my anxiety if acute as I'm waking up every night racing heart and multipack attacks in the day. Deisepam works for like a hour and ahalf then I'm of again
I'm being admitted today really scared - Anxiety Support
I'm being admitted today really scared

Can I ask what you are being admitted for?
Don't worry about being admitted I bet the staff are lovely. I am a psychiatric nurse and I am recovering from a rare form if anxiety with ment I had seizure.
I now I don't have anxiety after medication and self help.
Can I help you with any questions? Remember that a lot more people suffer from this illness than you think.

Hi Dean,just read your post,and noticed you posted 4 days ago...noticed you said you are a psychiatric nurse,would you mind if I asked you a question,I am in a very dark place at the min,had to cancel our hols,due to severe anxiety,cant walk,feel unsteady all the time,loud noises makes me panic,had to leave shopping center 2day, cannott even shop for groceries ,my hubby does all of this..I take xanax for the panic,but its not enough,my GP give me lyrica,but Im afraid to take them,as they left my niece very aggresive..ssris a/ds make me super anxious,and the other ones makes me more dizzy.what in your opinion would be the best one to take ? I really need help,my GP is fed up with me,going back to him.please help me if you can...love Miarose xxxx
HI Mia, Its sometimes best to not ask for heath advise from anyone other than someone like your own gp or health professional x
I can't give you medical advice but Everyone reacts differently to medication just because a relative had a bad reaction doesn't mean you will.
Give them a try! And let me know. Stay safe.

Hi deanj,I understand you cant give medical advice,should have realised,sorry about that...my GP dosen't understand the side effects of a/ds,and brushes me aside,as if i am mad ,but mayby i am love Miarose xxxx
Anxiety is a hard one to deal with.... . Have you attempted to start your medication? It might Work so please try it. Id hate to be back suffering again. Please remember it will take time. But you will be ok.
For a panic and health anxiety disorder. It's strange as I know they don't normally admit for that but they said its so bad I need it