After many years of suffering I began to see some of the faults that made me the way I was, Many things helped me, but one problem was always my racing mind......think, think,worry,worry.......
A learned friend said to me that life was always going to happen, what caused my mood swings was the fact that I over reacted to everything (good and bad). He explained that if I treated life as a stage play and just sat in the audience rather than continually trying to get up on stage and direct and attempt to control what was happening that I could gain some peace of mind.
He was right, if I become the observer in life rather than the director, life is so much easier and not surprisingly some day when I,m not here........guess will go on........and that play will still be running without my interference........
The advantage has been that when I step back my moods get far more stable......It is normal too be sad or is not so good to be euphoric as the opposite is depressed. remember the higher the wave the bigger the trough.......may you find calm seas..............GBXX