Hi guys, I'm a 43 year old male currently in the Philippines for an extended period. Recently I started getting a burning in the centre of my chest and a slight discomfort under my left breast. Panic mode kicked in. I have been to two hospitals where ECG's and blood work for the heart was done as well as chest x rays. All were normal. I'm a constant worrier. Even back home tests were done, which proved that my heart is normal there's nothing wrong. Doctors here say I have Gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, I keep thinking it's my heart and I'm going to die. What can I do to ease my mind?
Worry about heart attack. : Hi guys, I'm a... - Anxiety Support
Worry about heart attack.

Hi Wally
That's exactly how I started, A&E was like my second home, had all the tests you have had and also had a heart monitor on for a week every thing normal, mine too is flown to acid reflux, but I know were your coming from, it really does feel like your going to have a heart attack, I took Dru Yoga up, and I after say it has helped lots, it's all about breathing correctly and stretching, I also got some tablets of the doctors for the reflux and they too have helped, I do wish you luck and hope you are sorted soon xx
Thank you Sue. I do exercise by walking and jogging daily. I have some meds for the acid reflux as well. I pray that this feeling goes away eventually. I can live with the acid reflux but the slightest pain I get, I think the worst. Living alone also compounds the problem.
Sorry you're struggling and all I can add is believe the doctors. You've been checked by more than one, so the chances of them all missing something serious is pretty small don't you think.
It's the anxiety talking - believe me I know how powerful anxiety is in your mind.
Hey sorry to hear bout your worries someone has just recommended headspace to me you can download an app and I've just started it.. It really helped me to clear my mind and relax maybe give that a go
If you are having a heart attack then you quite often don't have pain in the chest - you have pain in the arms and neck. The diagnosis that you have been given sounds much more plausible.
Hi Wallywalllz.
Welcome to the site. I know exactly how you feel,I went through it quite a few times I also had many tests and they all came back negative.If you have any type of reflux you could try gaviscon or ask your doctor for Zantac or Laprazole they are both very good.Acid reflux can cause symptoms that are identical to heart trouble once you get that under control you will find your problems disappear.
Take care Kenny

I had acid reflux it burned a small hole in my esophagus. I cough and food gets stuck in their. I use Omeprazole 40grams. It works, but you have to take it for a couple of days. Then in the morning you take it before you eat or drink coffee. I know better to that. Then I had to get some Zantac. That works almost instantly.
Thanks for the advice guys. Been to my heart specialist in the Philippines today, he says everything is fine. However, he wants me to do a treadmill stress test and an echocardiogram just to put my mind at ease. Well it was I who suggested the idea. While he says it's really not necessary, if it's what I want, then he has no problem with it. I'll be doing it in the next week or so. Hope it goes well.
Hi there sorry to hear that you are worrying. I too am a terrible worrier and also get pain in my chest when I'm very anxious. I've had gastritis lots of times and so can sympathise with your tummy problems too. My best advice to you is to deal with your worrying. There are lots of resources online if cognitive behavioural therapy is not available in the Philippines. If you are able confide in your heart specialist, he/she may be able to refer you to a therapist. I would recommend spending 10 mins everyday sitting in silence, breathing deeply to relax and meditate. I also find keeping a diary helpful. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Take care KiKi
Thank you Kiki. I'm going to make the effort to start back meditating.