can this be panic disorder i need peoples ... - Anxiety Support

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can this be panic disorder i need peoples opinions please..

hellokittygurl1992 profile image

i feel like its somthing more like im dying or have a bad bad illness but people are saying its panic disorder.. i feel really out of it all the time and i feel so so tired like all i wanna do is sleep. i am shortness of breath all the time. i am dizzy. my hands and feet get sweaty. i get hot very very easy. i cant feel my body half the time i get the shakes. its almost like i did some kind of drug or somthing like i cant explain how bad it is i feel like this all day every day and it scares me i feel like im dying and i dont no if its panic disorder or if i have a illness and if it is panic disorder what can i do to cope with this bc not being able to breath good is freaking me out.. thanks for reading i hope to here from someone soon..

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hellokittygurl1992 profile image
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18 Replies
poodlegal profile image

ive suffered from all of the above and more for 14 years, anxiety can cause awful symptoms, I feel for you so much as its horrible, you will learn to live with it, cope with it and better days will come, keep a diary every night, write down your symptoms, fears, thoughts and believe me when you look back in years to come you will think omg!! I do, although im a lot better than I was I still get poorly with it, i worry so much, i think I always will, you are not alone in this,take care xx

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to poodlegal

thank you. i try to cope with this as it is so hard. i am due for my 4th child this week and this anxiety is making me think what if i dye what if somthing goes wrong. i dont no how to calm myself down and relax and i feel like this all day every day.. and i just wanna feel better and be myself again.

hi hellokitty, a,ll the symptoms you have posted are the classic hallmarks of anxiety & panic, even though you feel as though you are dying, you are definitely not , your fast breathing starts of a chain reaction , the faster you breath the faster your heart goes & you feel so light headed & you are going to faint, if you can slow down your breathing by breathing slowly in through your nose, & slowly out through your mouth, in deep controlled breaths, your heart rate will slowly get back to normal, your panic will subside as you get rid of your adrenalin, hope this helps, keep posting. love jasper xx

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to

thank you , i try to slow down my breathing but it feels as though im suffercating like i cant breathe. and i feel like this all day every day and i am due for my fourth child this week and it seems like its gotten worse and i keep thinking what if somthing goes wrong or what if i dye and i just feel out of it all the time and just wanna sleep

poodlegal profile image

oh my a baby!! I would love to have a baby but worry id cope with my anxiety during the pregnancy, lol worry that's my middle name, you should talk to your dr to put your mind at rest,stress isn't good for anyone let alone when carrying a baby,maybe been pregnant is making it worse with hormones and worry etc,good luck with everything keep us posted xx

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to poodlegal

yes i will keep you updated.. maybe the hospital can give me somthing to help me remain relaxed so i dont worry during the birth..i am hoping all goes well

thomson1898 profile image

Hi there,

Ooh, another one with a baby due, how lovely, Congratulations :)

Your symptoms do sound like anxiety but as you're expecting I was wondering if you've had your blood tested recently? I ask because when I was pregnant I had the shortness of breath, fatigue, shakiness etc, turned out I was anaemic. As soon as I started on the iron tablets I felt much better. Either way it's definitely worth discussing your symptoms with your midwife or doc.

Hope that helps & do let us know how you get on :)


hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to thomson1898

thank you. no i havent had my blood tested but i have a appointment wednesday morning i will ask to be tested for it but i been feeling like this before i got pregnant too. so it could be a toss up on what it could be . i am hoping i can control this when i have my son im due on the 23rd so anytime now

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to hellokittygurl1992

Oh bless you, so close! :)

I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. One thing many on here can tell you is that although we may struggle day to day, when it comes to our children, or something else really important/exciting, the anxiety gets pushed aside & we cope. You will too :)

Of course tell them how you're feeling, I'm sure they've heard it before & will have suggestions to help. But try not to worry, your body will take over from your mind & keep you focussed.


hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to thomson1898

thank you thats what i am hoping as well. maybe they can give me somthing to keep me calm i will have to ask them when the time comes. i am hoping to have my mind set on just the delivery and stay focused on that but somtimes my anxiety just gets the best of me and likes to stay no matter what i do. my husband thinks its all in my head and he keeps telling me i will be fine although i dont feel it 99% of the time. i will keep everyone posted on how it goes.. i am gonna ask to get on some meds after my son is born maybe that will help.. thanks so much

bec23 profile image

I had yhe exact same symptoms, my doctor diagnosed me with labyrinthitis (inner ear infection) but because I was also diagnosed with depression a few years ago I have come to the conclusion its depression/anxiety as my symptoms only come when im stressed about something it could be abit of both as inner ear infections can cause alot of anxiety talk to your doctor about it. But I can diffently understand what you are going through they are horrible symptoms to have especially when your about to have a baby which could also be why you are going through this. I wish you well. Bec xxx

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to bec23

thank you. i dont think its a ear infection. i have felt like this for years now and it has gotten worse since i been pregnant. my dad and my 2 older sisters have panic disorder which i think got passed down to me but it is a horrible horrible feeling to have. and to no that im not alone in this helps me some but i dont no how to cope with this.

donaf profile image

Hello, it's sounding like anxiety and it's the exact same as how I feel. Not everyday but I do get it and have got it tonight. I'm actually 25 wks pregnant with my 3rd child. My anxiety as got worser, maybe some of it is harmones. I've had to quick labours with my other two but I never felt this anxious about it as I didn't suffer from anxiety. I hope ur feeling ok now xx

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to donaf

well actually no it seems like it stays with me all day every day and i asked my doctor if they would be able to give me somthing to relax me from my anxiety and she said no bc it would effect the baby. so i am hoping i can cope with this as well as my labor. im due the 23 of this month and im getting more worked up

definitely sounds like panic attacks to me, i've suffered for years. You should look into seeing a doctor and maybe getting some counselling or CBT if you feel you cannot control it. It can be caused by hormones as well, i suffer with endometriosis which is probably the cause of my panic attacks from the hormonal imbalance but it could be your pregnancy worsening it. What i tend to do is sit down, deep breathe and tell yourself its going to be ok, nothing is going to happen. I also tend to find when i feel an attack coming the best thing to do is distract your mind so things like wordsearchs can be useful!

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to

ya sometimes its still bad even if i try to distract myself from it. like i havent gone shopping in 3 years bc of it like it gets worse when im out in public i feel like im just thin air and cant feel my body and cant breathe almost like im suffercating its a horrible horrible feeling to have

in reply to hellokittygurl1992

i understand, i dont go out anymore alone, the only time i'll go out is with my boyfriend because he makes me feel safe and he does understand me and is more than happy to sit down until the attack has passed. my family however, well they dont understand nor do they try im just a 'hypochondriac' that puts a downer on their day out! Theyve even mocked me at times 'oh are you having trouble breathing again?!' I also cant be home alone because i freak out, for me i think its the fear of me being ill and the possibility of something happening and theres no-one there to help me. I know it sounds weird but when you feel like you cant breathe, put a fan on and have it on a low setting directed at your face. I dont know why, but it helps me!

hellokittygurl1992 profile image
hellokittygurl1992 in reply to

ya you and i are the same way. i also use a fan as well to help me. some people dont under stand what its like bc they dont have the problem .. my dad understands bc he as well has it but hes on meds but my mother on the other hand does not..

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