Cant cope: Living in an unreal world... - Anxiety Support

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Cant cope

17 Replies

Living in an unreal world everyday is so hard and i cant cope much longer, dont know whats happening to me. Im in the house with my family but it feels non existent, i dont like these feelings anymore.

Also my psoriasis is bad at the moment and is making me feel even worse about myself :(

17 Replies

Hi Pink,

sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment, please try and remember it will pass. Can you remember how I was last week, I was having a really hard time with everything. I kept posting on and got loads of support and that helped me get through it.

gardener x

in reply to

Hi gardener, yes i remember and im sure ill be fine soon x

borderline61 profile image

Hi pink. Im sorry that you are feeling like this. Does your psoriasis worsen with stress? My younger daughter has bad eczema and stress has been a huge trigger for her this past year. Shes 17. Do you let ur gp or dermatologist know if it worsens? Keep them informed. They should offer support if your condition is affected by your other health problems. Don't let it become too worse. Take care. Kath xx

in reply to borderline61

Hi :), yes it gets worse with stress. When i asked my doctor about it i was told to keep moisturisng it which i thought to myself isnt treating it xx

borderline61 profile image
borderline61 in reply to

I understand. ..if u r moisturising all u can....and its still very active...go back and say its affecting your mood...which isn't helping. Its a horrible vicious circle. But don't let it get so bad that u need hospitalised.

My daughter was in hospital with her eczema as shed concealed how bad it was for 2yrs. She lives with grandparents. She thought that was just how it was going to be. Since she was in hospital. Her gp has been brilliant. Even wrote to school snd got them to stop pressurising her to attend during flare ups. Thankfully she is not in an active phase at the moment. But stress and hormones are her biggest triggers. ..and grandparents just dont understand this. I hope u get support ifu go back to gp. Ask for dermatologist opinion if things continue to be bad. Luv kath xx

in reply to borderline61

Im going to go to the doctors tomorrow and hopefully ill get somewhere, its hard to find a good doctor these days. Glad your daughter is doing ok xx

Hi pink. I'm not sure we've met but thought I'd say hi. I haven't been on in a while as I've been very busy.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope you are ok. Chin up.

I was in a pretty bad place a few months back and I felt there was no light at the end of the tunnel. I don't really know how, I think maybe starting work had a lot to do with it, but eventually things started to get better day by day.

I'm not 100% better, I don't think I ever will be, but it's manageable. How I don't know lol!!

This site helped me massively.

I hope things work out better for you soon x

in reply to

Hi LooLoo, thanks for your nice message, im sure ill be ok soon and hopefully things will get better for me. Hope youre ok too x

Sundayschild10 profile image

How I feel for you as I am going through the same thing. I have been married for 34 years and think my Husband and Family would be better off without me. I feel like driving away forever. I also suffer with very bad adominal pain and have to take morphine. I am waiting for my 2nd cancer mammogram to come through but I am in so much pain both mentally and physically. My Husband is at work.

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to Sundayschild10

Hello Sundayschild

I read your post and really wanted to reply to you. I have been married for 35 years and have suffered with anxiety on and off, the awful feeling of wanting to run away because my family would be better off is also something I have felt in the past, luckily at the moment I am well and I am so grateful for these good times.

I know anxiety can rear its ugly head at any time but I just wanted to say that you will feel better and gain strength each time you suffer, hang in there and keep posting here, you will have a lot of support from this site and I really hope this awful feeling will pass and be a distant memory for you soon.

All the best. X

in reply to Sundayschild10

Hi Sundayschild, and Pink,

Thinking of you both.

Sundayschild I do hope your mammograms come through quickly, I can't even imagine what you are going through, mentally and physically.

Big hug xx

Kimmieblue profile image

Hi pink

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling unwell at the moment, there's nothing worse than that awful feeling of isolation, (even though you are in the middle of your family, you feel they can't see inside of you to where you are feeling so low).

Also your psoriasis is dragging you down, my nan suffered with psoriasis for years and the flare ups were really bad. Keep on to your GP, they should definitely offer you more support as it obviously is affecting your mood. Don't accept their poor excuses, demand to be seen by a consultant dermatologist, be strong and get the support you should have.

I hope you feel much better soon.

All the best. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi kimmieblue, thanks for your nice reply. I will keep onto my doctor and make sure i get the support i need x

mrspizza profile image

hi pink i know how you feel its like im disconnected most of the time but i know these feelings wil pass. hope you feel better soon it seems like there are alot of people on here that can give good advice

in reply to mrspizza

Hi mrs pizza, hopefully the feelings will pass soon and yes theres good advice given on here

Hi Pink

Just seen this post

Hope you managed to get a doctors appointment today

Have you ever been referred to a specialist , I would ask if not , there should be other treatments available to help

I do believe though anything we suffer with stress makes it worse & after your positive post today about the cbt , I hope this has made you feel less stressed :-)




in reply to

Hi whywhy, im going to ring the doctors tomorrow, ive seen a dermatologist before but it was quite a while ago xxx

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