Anxious: Have had some bad times lately,woke... - Anxiety Support

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17 Replies

Have had some bad times lately,woke up with a pounding heart this morning,frightened to death,rang out of hrs gp for advice,what iv noticed lately is a strange thing that keeps happening ,I keep taking deep sighs,weird or what?different things each day,which make me worry more.anybody else have this prob or is it just me?

17 Replies

morning Meg,

When I get down or have a few bad days in a row, I tend to sigh to myself and I can do it for any reason, everything seems such an effort doesn't have to be anything major either like having to go out can be making a cup of tea I just sigh. Then I start worrying about it all and before you know it I am sighing again and getting more anxious with it.

I try to distract myself by doing something anything from going for a walk to ironing etc, it tends too help me break the overthinking for me for a bit at least.

So you are not alone feeling like this. Hope this helps.

Gardener x

in reply to

Ok thanks love,odd habit though isn't it?

janipan50 profile image

Hi Meg, yep Im not good I keep having little dizzy spells dr's app tomoz I just dont want loads of tablets, I have 2dogs and just cant be bothered to take them out I know I should the break and fresh air would do me good but no dont want to go out the door, I should push myself to go shopping today, I bet I dont. not been on this site before. take care jan

in reply to janipan50

Im trying to be through to my doctors but can't get through

in reply to janipan50

On this site u will find lots of help and friendship,I'd be lost without iti live alone I get easily very panicky

Hi Meg & Janipan,

Unfortunately the deep breaths and sighs are part of the problem. In my case, the more anxious I become the deeper the breath, that makes me stressful as I don't think I'm in control, then the anger with myself. This part of the cycle was a major problem in my life but is now controlled by meds.

Another one that I only discovered through this site is the problem with swallowing, now that one is weird.

Both of you take care, I'm off to put another ice pack on my calf.


It's amazing wat u have to put with ,with anxiety ,I so desperately want to get right again ,I feel so awfull

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Then when you add a lack of sympathy from others... it goes on and on.

We all try really hard to master the demons but sometimes they manage to take control and force us back to where we started, bit like snakes & ladders.

I must confess that this time it was very short and sharp, put my world back to the bottom of the pile again but with support from this site and my GP I think I am over the worst.

Mention your symptoms, how you are feeling and the thoughts at that particular moment and I'm sure as happened to me a message will appear and help you through, smile, laugh and support you as you push the anxiety away.



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At the moment my pulse is racing again,not as fast early this morning,but I'm getting so tired of it now,I feel I can't take any more

Hi Meg

You must try and calm down, I know easier said than done. Do you have some music you could listen to, I normally find Bill Withers or Lady Day help me but we all have our own selections.

Sit, get your breathing settled and the rest will follow.

Once that cycle kicks in it is very hard to control it but you must try and relax.

Take care and it will get better you have our support.


in reply to

I also have a hiatus hernia with reflux,sometimes that can irritate the vagus nerve nearbyvandcsend ur pulse rate like its doIng now,gonna tell the doc later

Good idea Meg,

Are you calming down?

I think that is the main thing you need to do, I know in my case if I don't make myself settle the anxiety just totally takes over and the cycle just starts all over again.

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Im having some cold water,it usually works,I'm pretty sure it's my tummy thats causing all this,go to docs at t,time,just gona have a weak tea now,gonna stay off the coffee

That sounds a positive step. Caffeine never a good idea.

Relax and then let me know later how the visit to your GP went.

Take care


in reply to

Yes I will hugs xxx

miarose profile image

my DR told me to hold my breath for few secs,and let it out slowly,it lowers the heart rate,have you tried the 3,4,7,routine,breathe in for 3 secs,making sure your tummy is full of air,hold for 4 secs,then exhale for 7 secs,if you do this right,it really relaxes you,I do it when i'm anxious or when I can't sleep,and it does work,imagine when your breathing out,that all the anxiety is leaving your body,its worth a try..good

in reply to miarose

Thank you,il give it a try xxx

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