Hi my daughter has suffered from depression for a few years now and taking medication last year, and has self harmed and has seen psychiatrist and had councelling sessions and after them finishing a few months later shes bad again, she feels worried in large areas at school assemblies, out in town, on bus etc and I thought initialy was just difficulty bieng a teenager, but she feels sick ,dizzy her sleep has got really bad waking up in night and crack of dawn not being able to get back to sleep. she had recent blood tests saying her cortisol level is 639 range ( 171-536) ( I have after a while of looking at my health realised I have been suffering from Anixety for few years thinking it was realated to other health issues ) and my level is 670 I have seen on print outs this could be related to stress) surely my daughters is really high considering she is only 15, and am seeing dr today with her, Can anyone help me with how I can support her? what I can do to help her, is anyone in the same situation? I am worried DR will say they cant do anything for her just more councelling.
Please can anyone help?