Unsympathetic doctor : Well I've been back... - Anxiety Support

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Unsympathetic doctor

scoobyd profile image
14 Replies

Well I've been back to the doctor he basically said stop wasting my time take the tablets. God I hate him if it was that simple I'd do it I've spent the day crying I really need help so I'm going to take one tonight. Sorry to go on with myself but putting my feelings on here helps

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scoobyd profile image
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14 Replies

Ur doctor sounds like a prat. Why can't these doctors listen it infuriates me I work with then all the time and we have Some good ones but we also have a few that need to listen and empathize with their patients. What meds has he given u? What is ur anxiety? Is it about health or something different? Xxx

scoobyd profile image
scoobyd in reply to

Hi he gave me setraline 50mg I was on citrolopram 10mg they made me feel awful so he's upped it to the setraline he said its not a higher dose I have anxiety about nothing and everything if that sounds mad my grandson moved to far away from me. He's my 1st we were close so that started it off again I also have claustrophobic so can't travel.

I know how u feel Hun. Iam the same hut 30 then boom xxx

scoobyd profile image

I'm not on any yet he gave me setraline 50mg but I hate taking medication so I can't win I got herbal remedies but they do nowt

scoobyd profile image

Thanks I know doctors just pass the tablets and don't care just to get rid of you if they walked in are shoes for a day and lived like this they'd maybe sympathise

Mysteryreader profile image

You might want to try the tablets to see if they help. However, is it possible for you to see a different doctor and discuss other options such as couunselling, mindfulness etc. Tablets help some but not others. What does work for you? Have you found anything that helps in the past ? Re Grandchild is it possible to use something like skipe (can't spell) to keep in touch. If they are too young to do it themselves then parents could do it with them. You can do videos and all sorts. Although did try to set up with son and failed miserably. so resorted to email and letters and ocassionql visits. What are the chances of them coming to visit you? I know it is not the same as being with them every day but perhaps better than nothing. Or are things too complicated for this to happen?

scoobyd profile image
scoobyd in reply to Mysteryreader

No he phones me and visits but then when he goes i panic all over again. Can't win he went in February so it very early I just hate it he's 13

Hi there, gosh it really does infuriate me when doctors do that!! No wonder we are cautious about going! I personally would phone the surgery and ask to see another doctor and also make a complaint . He shouldn't treat you like that, he has no right too. Get someone to go with you if you need support. Stay strong Hun xx

scoobyd profile image

Thanxs everybody ur all lovely on here and help me when I'm feeling down . I've just taken half a sertraline and telling myself I'm ok and it will help me get better

I hate going to the doctors. I feel so guilty. They should recognise what we have is an illness just the same as other people. I know they are busy but so are the rest of us. If they don't lime there job they should quit. Take care

pjNUN profile image

Of course you need help. We all do but I've found out the hard way that going to Doctors is not the best way to get it. As with most professions, People in the medical profession (some of them, anyway) have their own agendas. Talking it out on this site is a much better way. You will get unconditional support and no one has any hidden agendas.

thomson1898 profile image

Hi Scooby,

Sorry you're not being supported by your gp. I must admit the more I read on here, the more I realise how lucky I am. My doc is lovely, tells me to make a double appt when I see her so we have time to talk, always listens & is sympathetic. I have to say, I don't have a problem taking meds, but she has never spoken to me the way yours has. The one that saw my daughter about her anxiety was brilliant too.

If it's any help at all, my mam takes sertraline, 150mg now & she's been absolutely fine on them & they have helped her. I know we are all different & some things suit one person but not another but if you can maybe keep trying them, they can help you get to a place where you can at least think more clearly.

Good luck & let us know how you're doing :)


scoobyd profile image
scoobyd in reply to thomson1898

Thanks I'm now on day 2 of taking half. Of one I'm getting brave :) taking one day at a time

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to scoobyd

Well done you for being brave. :)

Go at your own pace, good luck & hope they help


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