Quick question !: Just recently have noticed... - Anxiety Support

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Quick question !

mimii profile image
82 Replies

Just recently have noticed I Im clenching my teeth a lot, have to make a conscious effort to relax my jaw dont know why this has started, has anybody else had this ?

Mimii x

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mimii profile image
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82 Replies

Yep I have been doing it for days , in fact reading this , I have just realized how clenched mine is & I am struggling to relax it , I think it can make your teeth hurt as well :o

For me I no I am anxious at the moment about Wednesday , so that could be why I am at it again

Maybe suck something that way your jaw has to keep moving ;)

I used to suck a lot of mint imperials , I grew very fond of them , it stopped me , but ende up we tooth ache , so I have had to stop





mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Hi whywhy, been waking up with painful teeth so must be doing it in my sleep, funny you saying about mint imperials I used to love foxes glacier mints in fact got addicted to them would get panicky if I was running low on packets lol so had to wean myself off them, have some strawberry bon bons in kitchen could try those :)

Mimii xx

in reply to mimii

Well I did think you were doing something else in your sleep , but maybe you have been doing that as well :D

I used to wake up & I would be grinding my teeth :o i dont do that any more as that did use to make them hurt

Well I think it was a toffee I was sucking that started my toothache , I forgot to mention it when I said I had tooth ache , so do be careful with the bon bons :D & make sure what ever you take to is on offer as it can be an expensive habbit :-/


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Yes you 'forgot' to mention the toffees whywhy :D what else would I be doing in my sleep lol well the bon bons are guess where from , not on offer yet though :)

Mimii x

in reply to mimii



mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

How did you guess lol sorry, nodded off last night xx

Mimii :)

in reply to mimii

Oh there you are :o

Dont no how I guessed , I am getting good am I not :D

Hope you had a good nights slepp , & maybe a visitor or maybe not :-/

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Morning whywhy, no visitor again, slept ok thanks bit of headache today hows you :)

Mimii xx

in reply to mimii

Again O dear :o

Well think mine has forgot where my front door is :D

Me well went to bed at stupid o.clock , then couldnt get up & stressing like there is no tomorrow over Wednesday , I wish it would come & go quick !

Is it tomorrow or Wednesday your daughter goes to college

I am getting muddled who starts back when , I think you maybe worrying a little over this , which I do understand , but I no for me , my son lacked so much confidence before he started college & after 3 years been there , he is a different person , I have everything crossed that this will be the case for your daughter as well , cant see why it shouldnt be :)

Think I have just seen its maybe next week they start back , told you I was muddled more than usual ;)

This quick question is turning in to a long one , might of known you cant have a quick question on here :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Thank whywhy, yes it's Wednesday think we will all be glad when its Thursday lol

in reply to mimii

O right , well maybe we need a tense Wednesday post or something :D

Or we made it Thursday post , because we will ;)


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Yes we will thats the right attitude :)

in reply to mimii

Thought there was a bit of Bob The Builder nearly in that reply , except that was Yes we Can , but we can as well & will & are going to :-/


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Im going to be worrying about her, you and m myself starting work lol oh dear :)

in reply to mimii

Its normal to worry about her , & it seems with work as well , everything is happening all at the same time :o which always seems to be the case , but I bet she enjoys it , we will all keep everything crossed , so thats no visitors till Thursday for any of us :-/


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Ok will tell Rod Ive got a headache :D

in reply to mimii

Well not to sure I could tell Will-i-am I had , so cant make a promise on that one :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Just tell him your worth waiting for then :D

That happens to me as well. I clench my muscles a lot too. Never sure if its the meds or anxiety.

Bev x

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Didn't think I was feeling anxious but maybe subconsciously I am , few things starting next week x

Mimii :)

bonnie1959 profile image

Hi mimi, I have this, my jaw is hurting now, I have also had loads of what feels like toothaches , and like my whole mouth is hurting, and yet I haven't got a bad tooth, I have been sucking a lot of boiled sweets, and I started that due to the clenching my teeth to stop me. :o



mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bonnie1959

Thanks Bonnie I now have an excuse to eat lots of sweets :D

Mimii x

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to mimii

Due to the teeth, might be better off with chewing gum, I am going to change, I don't want to have to visit the dentist just yet with anxiety so bad, the thought of being chucked back in a dentist chair does not thrill me. :o



mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bonnie1959

Have to be careful with mine too got more fillings than teeth :D

Mimii x

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to mimii

really whats needed is something that you can suck for a while that is not full of sugar , or damaging to the teeth. I leave it with you, I must sleep, nigh night.



mimii profile image
mimii in reply to bonnie1959

Thanks Bonnie nite nite :)

Mimii x

in reply to bonnie1959

Read the side of chewing gum packet,it is a laxative

in reply to

Very Wise Lindalou , good job you did :D

Infact have been wondering where you have been , then I thought she maybe just looking at those polls again :-/


in reply to

I look 2/3times a day,do you notice he is avoiding!

in reply to

Oh Lindalou , this made me laugh 2/3 times a day , think we are going to have to wean you of this one :D

I have to say I dont have the same problem as you with this :-/

Do you think there could be a reason he is avoiding us , maybe , I can think of one :D

You could always do him a post asking how he is , or now he is a member , a message even , just trying to help :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Dont need that Lindalou am very regular :D

in reply to mimii

Well thats good to no , I will sleep better tonight now :-D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Well if it helps can discuss this further :D

in reply to mimii

Well not sure what more there is to no , but by all means feel free if you think of something , I suppose it could be a kind of distraction from my thoughts



mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Perhaps not a very pleasant distraction :D

in reply to mimii

Maybe not , but seems to be the only one we have managed to come up with so far :-D

We could have a Will-i-am Day tomorrow , post everything you can find on him , now that would keep me busy , looking at all that , I feel it would make a lovely post :-)


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Well I would if I could Im a total idiot with tech stuff hopefully the intelligent ppl on here may be able to :D

in reply to mimii

Oh mimii your not , look at your faces :D

Just copy & paste ;)

While jogging on the spot :-/


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Can do smoking on the spot not very useful though :D

in reply to mimii

Oh , we must be good at the same sport , I do that one well to :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Nice to be good at something :D Im checking out now hope you can get some sleep tonight, love and hugs xxxx

in reply to mimii

Checking out to , just looked , your quick question is getting mighty long here , need to change the title to Long question :D


thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to

Love it :D

thomson1898 profile image

Another one here :D I am terrible for doing this, whenever I'm concentrating or making a physical effort like scrubbing, gardening, even chopping veg & it's getting worse.

Last time I was at the dentist he asked me to clench my jaw while he felt the muscles at the back, he was saying 'Good grief what have you been doing?' Embarrassing.

Maybe I should try the sweetie thing, though definitely no toffees :D


ps so much for the quick question ;)

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Lol made me laugh, what did you reply?!!

Maybe we should all try those gobstoppers do you remember those :D

Mimii x

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

I got the distinct impression it didn't matter what I said he was never going to believe me :D

Ooh, never liked gobstoppers, aniseed balls for me every time ;)


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

No didnt like those ! Think I nodded of there better check out lol nite sleep well :)

Mimii x

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

Night mimii


in reply to mimii

I could never fit a gobstopper in , my mouth wasn't big enough :-/


thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to

There are so many replies to that I'm not even going to start :p


in reply to thomson1898

I thought some of my answers on here were not getting picked up on , yes I bet they will be exactly what I would be thinking to :D


babyhippo67 profile image

Yeah ,I do it all the time.

Just read your post and realised my jaws are aching.

Part and parcel of anxiety AM SURE OF IT. XX

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to babyhippo67

Hi babyhippo, love the name :)

Yes looks like this is quite common, trying to keep mine relaxed today x

Mimii x

babyhippo67 profile image

Ah,than:ks for getting back.

Yeah,I'm always clenching my teeth unknowingly.

In fact "anxiety-wise"I seem to suffer from everything hence my being a health anxious creature.Terrible headaches and vision disturbances at present. Xx

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to babyhippo67

Do you take painkillers, Ive just had couple of nurofen, try not to take them too often x

Mimii x

Eloisa profile image

another one here who suffers from this jaw/teeth clenching thingy.......have been doing it for quite a while now and have always thought it was due to the medication? Can anybody suggest a cure (not the sweeties as I already get thro too many as it is)....love & peace Eloisa.

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to Eloisa

Im not on meds so just due to tension in my case, trying the whistling method :)

Mimii x

thomson1898 profile image

Just remembered what I do to stop this.

When I keep doing it no matter how hard I try to stop I whistle! It is impossible to clench your jaw while whistling, I suppose singing would work too but probably best if I don't :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Lol just came on and read this immediately reialised was clenching again, now Im whistling :D

Mimii x

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

Lol, it works! Drives everyone else mad, but it works :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Im back on the sweets again now lol xx

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

Oh fidget. What sweets is it today?


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Dont tell anyone,found 3 glacier mints in my bag, not supposed to have them !

babyhippo67 profile image
babyhippo67 in reply to mimii

I just come in and logged on and my jaws are aching too.


Can't believeit can you.We'll all be whistling soon.

No,I don't take any meds for my headaches OR for the anxiety.Maybe that's where I'm going wrong). lol :-)

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to babyhippo67

Those nurofen didn't work that we'll think they upset my stomach a bit too :(

Mimii x

babyhippo67 profile image
babyhippo67 in reply to mimii

No good for me as I suffer from ibs as well and ibuprofen wreak havoc with my guts!! Xx

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to babyhippo67

We'll all be whistling or have rotten teeth from all the sweets :D


Eloisa profile image

Hi Mimi & all, just been trying out the whistling and it does work........unfortunately every time I do it the puppy comes bounding over and covers me with slobbery kisses!!!!!!love &peace Eloisa x

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to Eloisa

:D Well I suppose it's hard to clench your jaw then as well so still works lol


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to Eloisa

Ah thats a nice thing bless him :)

babyhippo67 profile image
babyhippo67 in reply to mimii

Share. . . .:-) xx

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to babyhippo67

Only had 3 and I've eaten them :D just going to cook tea, sausages tonight :)

Mimii x

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

Mmm...we had sausage sandwiches for lunch, yummy. Hope they don't give you any dreams tonight ;)


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Not had sausage sandwiches for years bit partial to bacon butties though :D

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

me neither but we did enjoy them. Did them posh style though, in a baguette :D


in reply to thomson1898

Posh in a baguette , will give that a go & tell everyone they are posh :D


mimii profile image
mimii in reply to thomson1898

Nice in a baguette had a posh hot dog the other day in that bar went to :)

thomson1898 profile image
thomson1898 in reply to mimii

See whywhy, posh :p

Hey, I'll have you know I'm dead classy me like :D


in reply to thomson1898

Well I have noticed , I shall have to be very careful from now on , now I no I am mixing with the upper class :D


babyhippo67 profile image
babyhippo67 in reply to mimii

Share. . . .:-) xx

Eloisa profile image

I've found a solution......I'm walking around with pursed lips doing a silent whistle, just hope I remember to un-purse them if I have to answer the door to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to Eloisa


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