Have had family round today and felt fine..now am needing to get deep breathes and struggling which now makes me feel dizzy I am thinking its heart problems as usual...just want to feel normal again!
Here we go again: Have had family round... - Anxiety Support
Here we go again

Yes know the feeling well every pain I think this and that ,went through the heart pounding had echocardiogram every thing normal nothing but Anxiety.
I used to think my panics and pains were heart attacks. I then realised after about 10 yrs, that I cannot be having a slow release heart attack that lasts 10yrs!
This might help you it might not, I just thought I would tell you my story of my never ending heart attack!
Take care and do your deep breathing
Winter xxxxx
Winter , enjoyed reading your story of your never ending heart attack , I relate , mine went on for years as well , then I moved on to other things

I think I feel its a heart attack each time because you get twinges and you cant breathe..silly isn't it lol...doctor said heart and blood pressure is fine..breathing excercises as we speak!
Hi Kaz
I think its the second time you have posted & I no for me I struggle posting even now , so well done
I dont no that much about you , & if you have had any treatment or seen your GP , but even if you have or havnt it might be a good idea do go & let them no how your anxiety is affecting you
A heart attack doesnt come & go , if you read what you have put when you were in company you felt ok , thats may be because you were relaxed more & distracted , but as soon as you were on your own the dizzy feeling came & the fear you were having a heart attack , I no how you feel because like Winter , I was having a heart attack for years & it took me years to believe that anxiety can give you these symptoms & make you feel this bad
I think it sounds like more of a panic attack , which are very scary
When you get these feelings , as said try & take deep breaths in & slowly out again , work through it & try seeing it as panic & tell yourself you are not going to listen to your head
I no its not easy , not at all , but if you keep practicing , it does get easier
I hope you are feeling calmer now
Keep talking

Hi and yes I posted once before.I only just joined..Am ok with posting and I don't mind sharing my feelings with anyone...I have been to the doctor..the anxiety is stemming from labrynthitis which I have suffered for 3 yrs...The panic attacks however I have had since I was a child..i kept them quiet for years..Even now people do not understand..they say things like get a grip stop being stupid..a bit of help from friends and family would be nice but they really do not have any idea what we go through.I do go out and fight my fear of panick attacks...but the anxiety I find harder to deal with xx
O sorry Kaz , I think thats the worse thing you can say to some one get a grip & its certainly not stupid , I am sure if it was that easy we would anyway as we all no this is not fun
People that havnt suffered dont understand , on here we do , so keep talking to us , it does get better , listening to others & how they have managed really helps
Hi Kaz
Sorry to hear your experiencing discomfort feeling dizzy and thinking you have some heart problems can be terribly scary. The Doctor has reassured you all is well and if he was unsure would send you for tests. I am sure this is related to anxiety and panic. When we have these attacks our heart pounds and races faster than normal and create all kinds of weird symptoms. When doing the breathing exercises sit down in a quiet room and relax.
I sit down and reflect how i have been feeling in the day. What started to make me uneasy and panic this does help as crazy as it sounds.
I have family and friends who have no idea what damage they are doing when they say pull yourself together. I say time and time again spend an hour in my shoes.
Sure they would not be so clever although I am sure it is not meant in a nasty way
Distract yourself with small tasks like you said when the family were visiting you everything was fine. Sometimes its being alone fear of something happening that then causes problems.
Hope you find some peace and have a good day tomorrow.
Big hugs
Love Seyi xxx