this is my grandson we hope we end up in the humour/off-topic
Humour/Off-topic: this is my grandson we... - Anxiety Support

You did,nt,he is gorgeous !

he is older now I am so happy that the picture did not turn into a thumbnail!
Your response made my night I might even come back thank you thank you thank you!
I notice you have his photo in another post as well,nice.
I,m thinking you seem to be on another site?
WOW, look at those beautiful eyes, he is so cute, is he a handful yet or is all that to come lol. I get broody when i see little uns but my daughter is in no rush to make me a granny. xxx
Okay cookie third times the charm, I liked the poem you wrote not sure I could find it again I spent an hour writing one back in answer to yours. Just for grins it got lost in the sea of wireless I also liked your rap with beat boxin. Do you know Lindalou . Please forgive me in advance if I get people confused and repeat myself there is no point in trying to explain the set up of this site onless someone drew a picture. or used a mind map. The acronyms confuse me it is interesting to ponder where people are from on this site.