How do you handle Anxiety at work? - Anxiety Support

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How do you handle Anxiety at work?

Molly_101 profile image
9 Replies

Had a panic attack the other day at my new job and it wasn't even based on the cause of my anxiety! I work in a cafe as a member of the kitchen staff and everything just got a bit too much!

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Molly_101 profile image
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9 Replies

Hi Molly

Well i dont work so I cant advise you on what to do when it happens at work but , you seem to no why it happened , everything getting to much for you , which happens at home as well

Is there a chance when you feel like that , that you could either say you need some air a minute you feel hot or something or need the toilet , & then just take 5 minutes , to do some breathing , slowly in & letting it slowly out , while you get your thoughts together

I imagine a kitchen is a busy place to work , mine can be busy at home when I am cooking for everyone & when they are all asking how long & tripping through , it can all make me feel anxious , but I just take a few minutes & take deep breaths

Sorry this might have been no use , but wanted to let you no I have read your post & someone hopefully , might be able to give better advise later :)




Molly_101 profile image
Molly_101 in reply to

The other day when I had my panic attack I did take 5 before it happened but i can't seem to control it. When I had the attack I sat out back for like half an hour. I can't do that all the time so I feel like I let everyone down and don't want to do it again but then that wires me up for next time I work! x

kimbers75 profile image

If I have a panic attack at work I try to disappear for some air and my dirty habit a cigarette. Or if its particularly bad I ask to speak to my boss if he is in ASAP, it comes out as rambles but I get it out, but mainly I disappear for 5 mins and keep myself to myself so I can calm down, I sometimes call my partner so she can calm me down, but usually me time to calm it, also don't try to be perfect, training in a new job takes time, I'm still learning that I can't do everything straight away and by myself. I'm having a meeting with my boss and my operations manager on Friday to discuss my stress and anxiety.

Molly_101 profile image
Molly_101 in reply to kimbers75

Yeah I used to call my ex when I was going to have a panic attack. Since we broke up my anixety is getting worse, I feel so alone about it.x

kimbers75 profile image

If I have a panic attack at work I try to disappear for some air and my dirty habit a cigarette. Or if its particularly bad I ask to speak to my boss if he is in ASAP, it comes out as rambles but I get it out, but mainly I disappear for 5 mins and keep myself to myself so I can calm down, I sometimes call my partner so she can calm me down, but usually me time to calm it, also don't try to be perfect, training in a new job takes time, I'm still learning that I can't do everything straight away and by myself. I'm having a meeting with my boss and my operations manager on Friday to discuss my stress and anxiety.

Gambit62 profile image

I'm lucky to work for a supportive organisation and have never made a secret of the fact that I'm prone to depression and low mood and don't necessarily react well to a lot of stress. Probably not so easy in a kitchen. Usually I try to take a break when things are really getting to me - not a smoker but just going to the kitchen or going to the loo. I really find that it helps me to sit in the cubicle with the lights out. Also find some mindfulness meditations really help me - rather than focusing on the fact that I'm feeling upset I focus on how my body is reacting - the tears welling up in my eyes or back getting very tense and somehow that takes me away from the circle that leads to an anxiety attack. I did have a full blown panic attack in a meeting about 6 weeks ago. Stood up, apologised and went and sat outside for a while until I was actually breathing again and then came back into the office for a while and did some stuff that required concentration but no creative thought.

Is there anyone in the workplace to whom you could explain what is happening?

Getting away from the immediate situation is really good but you need to find something that breaks the cycle of thought.

Molly_101 profile image
Molly_101 in reply to Gambit62

Well there was an incident the other week where a girl freaked out cause somone sent nachos back cause they had peppers on them she literally freaked out, saying the customer was stupid and rediculous and what not. I took the remade one back and turned out the customer was mentally disabled/learning disablities. I went back, told my collegue who responded with "he's still f***ing stupid, I don't care".

Since then I have been so closed off about telling anyone, when I had my panic attack, I told my manager about all of this and she just replied reassuring me just to talk to her or the other managers about it, cause they;re the only ones who needed to know. It's just so hard because I constantly over think about what others think of me and I don't want people to feel sorry for me...

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Molly_101

well done for telling your manager. Your colleagues behaviour really wasn't acceptable and I'm not surprised that you found it distressing. You seem to have done everything right. You found out what the problem was, explained it to your collegue and then they responded inappropriately, so you told your manager. Absolutely perfect.

I think it is your colleague that has the problem and I really hope that your managers had a word with her in the background to point that out. I know it is really difficult but try to remember that sometimes it is other people who have the problem. Don't let them make it your problem.

hannah_smith profile image

Hi Molly, I just read your message. I think most people who struggle with anxiety, panic attacks can relate to you. Mine always happen at work and at home. They can even happen when i am out shopping and even with friends. Unfortaunetly you cant tell when one may hit you, but you can start to be aware of them and try to overcome an attack. But like everyone has said you are not alone and what you are experiencing is ok and you can help yourself. so please dont be scared. ;-))

I'm currently working with someone who is offering me coaching for my anxiety and panic attacks. He has got a book being released this year. I dont know what the hold up is, dont care either I just want something to read and help me through my anxiety and panic attacks!!

you might want to go to w w w. a n x i e t y r e b a l a n c e . c o . u k

It may help you. Take Care Molly and let us all know how you get on.


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