Are there techniques or things you do to ease your anxiety and panic attacks?
How do you calm your anxiety? : Are there... - Anxiety Support
How do you calm your anxiety?
Hi ElliottParker, Never wait until you are in the throws of a panic or anxiety attack to use methods to ease the symptoms. For me, it's an everyday practice in relaxation/meditation, imagery and most of all deep breathing that keeps me afloat. It's like being in practice for the Olympics so that when the big moment comes, you have the discipline and practice behind you to win.
Deep breathing is with me throughout the day, where ever I go, what ever I do. A few seconds of deep breathing calms the mind and body and centers it. Always allow some "me" time either in mid day or before bed to relax and calm the thoughts of a stressful day. Anxiety not only takes practice but becomes a new way of living. With a little work, patience and most of all acceptance, you will be better prepared until eventually the panic/anxiety attacks are behind you. xx
Just loved reading this Agora1. I just recently started listening to meditation and soothing music and starting yoga. I believe the breathing you mentioned does help. I do this during work or just when i feel the need to get a little relaxation in. Helps a lot
I would like to start meditating, even 10 minutes would be helpful I do agree with you, it takes practice to calm anxiety down. Each day is a new day to work on this. Thank you!
Definitely deep breathing from the abdomen and I count same number of breaths in and out. I also use relaxation meditation, YouTube has videos and there’s apps for that. It is a daily self care routine that even if you are not experiencing anxiety or panic still do it. I mad the mistake of stopping when I was better and about a year later it all came back.
I totally agree with you Sandia. Make it a great day! Breathe x
I need to start looking at videos, do you have and recommendations?

Hi Elliott, There is a video on YouTube called The Enthusiastic Buddhist...she has a calm breathing video its good or try Yoga Nidra for breathing also good, hope this helps
Cool! Thank you
Hi ElliottParker...sorry got behind today. One of the YouTube videos I truly enjoy is Quiet Mind Café.com Sinking & Slowing Breathing Very calming effect. xx
Thank you!
Lavender spray. Chamomile and Lavender tea. Yoga. Breathing. Running. Binge watching 🙃
Though I have had bouts of anxiety off and on all my life things went to HELL when I tried to come off prescribed benzos 7 years ago! The only TRUE and DEPENDABLE way I could calm my terrible symptoms was to exercise, get out and walk, fast! There are times, of course, I couldn't do that... the middle of the night, inclement weather etc. AND there were times I'd be rolled into such a tight fetal position that I was paralyzed!
I am not an athletic person but believe me this helps! Its as if it works off those over abundant hormones...adrenaline, cortisol and over active neurological signals.
Since I usually wake up in a fight or flight mode I walk my dogs at sunrise. I HAVE TO! I feel wonderful after 40 minute of hard walking!