I had my first day back at work yesterday which went really well, I am doing a phased return so shorter hours. I am blessed with working with some very understanding and supportive people whom are certainly more my friends than colleagues!
Today was great too, I did have anxiety both mornings but have been reading Lizzie's books (if you read my previous blog you will see that I am a fan haha) to pull myself up and out of it as well as doing my deep breathing.
My colleagues/friends have been fab in welcoming me back and easing me into it. I know it does make some people slightly uncomfortable around you when you have been off for a while and there is hush hush as to why!! My manager is amazing (again I am so very lucky there too!) and extremely supportive even though she has enough to deal with at present!
So after all of their support and understanding I decided that I would send them the link to my original blog as they already knew that I had attempted suicide. We have always shared pretty much everything within the small team that I work in and it makes it easier to work with someone if you know what is going on with them too.
I was very nervous in doing this but knew they would be so very understanding and supportive. I made a point that they didn't have to read it if they didn't want to and I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable about it but if they wanted to it was there and explained exactly what has been going on with me better than I could verbally.
Only a couple of my colleagues were at work today so they haven't all read it yet but my manager did and sent me an email about her negative experiences with regards to her self-esteem and appearance. I felt it was very courageous of her to open up to me about this as well and it was very nice to hear someone else's experiences as I am always interested.
Anyway so far so good, not sure what the weekend holds but will carry on with small steps and self-belief!!
Hope everyone else is feeling ok. As always thankyou for the support that has been given to me on here. There are some great people out there!
Love Em