hi everyone
i dont suffer from anxiety but i care and live with someone who does and i work in mental health so it can become very draining as i work 12 hours shifts and coming home when my partner is having a bad day
hi everyone
i dont suffer from anxiety but i care and live with someone who does and i work in mental health so it can become very draining as i work 12 hours shifts and coming home when my partner is having a bad day
Hello and welcome to a very friendly site
There are a good number of carers who come here for advice for their partners/children/parents so you'll be alright here...
I personally am the anxiety sufferer in my household, but I know all about care strains by growing up with younger sibling with severe learning difficulties.
We can only do the best we can and this site helps lighten the load a little
thank you for your welcome i work with all different mental health i have had a hard year so far started off with my partner then my step daughter losing her dad and then me losing my dad last month and trying to support my partner and working and making sure my mums is ok so i find it hard finding time for myself
Hi lambosh
Welcome to the site.
Sorry to here you haven't had a very good year so far, my dad passed away over a year ago and I know how hard it can be.
If you are stressed about anything or just want to talk this is a nice place to come and people will try their best to help and give advise.xx
Hi lambosh
I hope you get something from this site
As people have said , we do have members here that live with people with anxiety & we help where ever we can
I am sorry you have had such a bad year & can imagine the pressure you must feel you are & still under with it all , hope we can help
A big welcome
hi lambosh lol, glad you are here, i love you loads and thanks for being my carer lol xxx you poor sod ha ha xxx
A warm welcome lamboosh
There's lots of support on here. its great to ask a question or just have a rant to vent how you are feeling and we have a laugh too to break things up a bit. ihope you find it useful
Love eve x
Hello lambosh and welcome
Do you really care for Cookster99?
If you do then you have my greatest sympathy
I feel she may grogboy
She has mine as well if so , poor thing
How are you today , other than purple
Hello whywhy,
Great to hear from you as usual.
I am a little bit sombre today.Perhaps more blue than purple.
For most of Bank Holiday Monday I had a great laugh,most of it due to people like you and cookie and other great people on here.
Monday evening was pants because of the good old Halifax Bank and most of yesterday was a painful disaster because of NHS vampires.!!!
Yesterday evening I was going to come on here and rant and rave and write a big blog about it.
Then just before I was going to really blast off I read a blog from an elderly lady who was obviously very confused.I think you actually replied to her.
Then I realised that there are poor confused people out there that are on their own who are much worse off than me.
So I decided to shut up.However I may have a rant later on we'll see
I am sorry to hear this my blue/purple friend
Yes I did reply to the lady & yes she did seem in a mess
Someone once said to me though as much as somebody might be going through worse than you , we can only feel are own pain , which is so true
Now if I had a toothache , you could say & feel sorry for me , but you couldn't feel it
So don't ever let that put you of
Blog & get it out , that's what its hear for
I will look out for you blogging
Hope today is a little better
oi, thats my better arf mate lol, indeed she does and she has my synpathy too lol xxx i would have put me in a home by now x