I don't tell anyone I have anxiety but I do. Right now I just looking for someone to talk to sense I always have to act calm but I'm secretly having a panic attack. I just hope talking to someone here can work because in all honesty talking to a person in real life makes me even more anxious
Hi I'm new: I don't tell anyone I have... - Anxiety Support
Hi I'm new

Hi there panic attacks are no fun when you suffer from them do you also suffer from depression and have you seen your doctor for help !
I know I should talk to my doctor but I just like he will just say you don't have anxiety or get over it
Im sorry but thats what hes there for if you dont like what hes got to say ask for a second opinion ! Dont be put off my what sounds like negative thoughts take care and get to the doctor !
Sure, you can talk to us. Anxiety crippled my life for 6 months and I do still suffer now so I can relate. Feel free to talk to us on here or in private message. There is nothing to be ashamed of having anxiety
I'm sorry for what you're going through. I'm here for you. I suffer from anxiety too not sure which one but I will have to see a counsellor too. I have many issues and it's eating me up inside. I really want to live a full life too but I'm always so angry and raking up the past. I hope u feel better. Feel free to private message me if you want too. Take care xxx
Internetuser, there are people you can trust who you can talk to without any problem. There must be a member of your family or close friend. And most certainly you can talk to your doctor who will not just dismiss you with 'get over it' I assure you. If ever your anxiety becomes overwhelming then you must discuss this with your doctor and if he/she offers a course of medications for a while then in those circumstances you should agree to take them.
There is a wise old saying: a problem shared is a problem halved!
Panic attacks are very unpleasant but they can't harm you in any way, most people on this forum have experienced them and lived to tell the tale☺ They are a common symptom of anxiety disorder and like all the symptoms of high anxiety their bark is worse than their bite. Nobody ever died of anxiety disorder, nobody was ever disable by it and it doesn't have the power to make you lose your mind. But of coursevit can still frighten us half to death specially when we don't know what it's all about. But most important of all, it can be cured.
Sometime in the past you must have been under a lot of pressure: stress, over work, worry and disappointment are the usual suspects. After a whiletoo much of this can make our nervous system become over sensitive and that's when it starts to play tricks on us like panic attacks.
Problem is these symptoms cause us more fear and this continual fear keeps our nervous system sensitised. The way out is to overcome this fear, give your nerves a holiday from it and a chance with time to recover.
So the thing to do is to accept the panic attacks and any other anxiety symptoms calmly and with the minimum of fear. When you feel one coming instead of tensing up imagine every muscle in your body going limp and let the rush of panic flow over and past you whilst you remain calm and courageous. After all, you now know that panic attacks are toothless tigers, they can't kill you or cause you physical damage because they are only blips in your exhausted nervous system. So accept all the symptoms and just beathe in slowly, hold your breath a few seconds and breathe out slowly and repeat and repeat: this simple device releases tranquillising hormones that help to counteract the feelings of panic.
Your road to recovery, then, depends on you controlling your fear which you can achieve little by little by Acceptance. Remember you have friends here who you can discuss things with any time and we are all anonymous so you can discuss your problems freely.
Hey internetuser! Please talk to us and go see your doctor. Like some have mentioned here, doctors are so much more aware of mental issues now than they used to be. There's not as much a "suck it up and get over it" mentality which is huge.