This may not be a typical title or subject for a depression and anxiety support group but I have to share.
I am so looking forward to this spring season. I have made a lot of progress with my therapy over the winter and everything is better. My thoughts, feelings and behaviors are becoming clearer and more positive. I am finally starting to appreciate all my progress and my new life as my depression is lifting and my anxiety has lessened so much that I feel peaceful and calm.
To all of you in this group, whether you are on medication or not, please try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is easy, simple and effective. It is designed to make you your own therapist, so after a while (typically 6 months to a year) you can stop seeing the therapist and use CBT by yourself for recovery and relief.
If it sounds too good to be true, then try it out yourself to find out how well it works.
I hope everyone here has a wonderful spring, summer and on and on…
Best wishes to all 🥰