Hi, I’m brand new to this board and would really benefit from some advice. I am a college student who is suffering from pretty severe anxiety. In the mornings I wake up so scared with my heart beating out of my chest, my throat feeling like I’m being choked, and when I try to speak I feel as though I’ll dry heave. Life has been a lot lately. I’m a good student but had a crisis at the beginning of the semester deciding where I want to go with my career, my girlfriend has clinical depression and I have to help her get going every morning and it scares me so much that this person I want to spend my life with is struggling so much to stay motivated in life. On top of all of that I have a presentation due for class in a week, which I am constantly ruminating over. I’m convinced that If I were to present I’d throw up or have a panic attack in front of my class. I’m gonna get into therapy soon but this looming presentation is making me lose it. Is it even suggested to try and ask for an alternate way to do that assignment? Or is it just letting the anxiety win? I’d take any advice or anecdotes anyone can provide, I’d love to hear some perspectives, experiences, and possible advice on how to overcome this horrible constant feeling. Thank you very much for reading!
Horrible morning anxiety and somatic ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Horrible morning anxiety and somatic symptoms

I'm sorry you're feeling this and thanks for sharing your story. But good on you for recognizing these feelings and reaching out for help. I'm in my 30s and I'm just starting my mental health journey. I wish I would've recognized the signals much earlier. I am by no means an expert but a couple tips - I've experienced many panic attacks before. Probably most people in your class are worried about public speaking. It's very common. Most states have a mental health hotline you can call, or maybe your college does. I've found it's very helpful to talk through this with a counselor on the phone. They can give you tips and also help you talk through what you're feeling. Second, panic attacks are very very uncomfortable. During my worst panic attacks, I was imagining I would die. And I never did. Pretty much everyone on earth has had one. And each one makes you a little bit stronger. Don't forget to eat, drink water, and breathe breathe breathe. Last thing - and a more specific tip. I have to do a lot of public speaking for my job. I've done it for over ten years. I get nervous every single time. If you decide you are comfortable enough to move forward with the presentation, what worked for me was practicing it in front of a mirror and speaking out loud. Know the first sentence you are going to say. My guess is you will feel some anxiety when you present, but if your presentation is well rehearsed, you'll be able to get through it with muscle memory. And often, for me, I felt a huge sense of pride when a presentation went well, or at least a big relief when it was done. Either way, best of luck and sorry things have been hard lately. I hope you're able to find a good therapist and work through this. You've got this and you're not alone.
I have a similir reaction but for a different reason I wake up with severe anxiety and I take my medicine and It takes awhile but it goes away usual after more medicine
my anxiety is terrible nowadays....unfortunately.....or fortunately.......i am one of the ones they would classify as being "high functioning".....I am very good at wearing a cloak and mask and hiding behind the facade I put up.....that being said....you can do anything you set your mind to....you can get through anything...just remember to breathe and focus on the task at hand...anxiety is normal in a situation like you describe.....anxiety in my line of work is normal....the big step for you is realizing that this is a problem that you want to deal with
Visualize yourself doing and you will do! The best technique by presenters and sports people who have achieved great/top success by imaging themselves doing and actually doing in real life then!