I’m new here. I decided to try to find some other support . I suffer from pretty terrible anxiety. I’m in recovery and benzodiazepines aren’t an option for me . I just started lexapro a couple days ago . If anyone has any experience to share with the best advice on coping and managing anxiety I’d love to hear it.
New here . Anxiety support - Anxiety and Depre...
New here . Anxiety support

Welcome! For me anxiety doesn’t leave but at times it is more calm than others what has helped me recently is when I feel an attack coming on I practice ground techniques and I turn the air on blast and drink really cold water it kind of helps me get put back together. It could be from the shock of getting so cold. Welcome again, glad you are here.
Thank you so much for the reply . What I try to do lately is turn on this breathing mediation I found . It usually centers me enough to get it under control . I get flat out anxiety attacks like feel like I’m not breathing right or something when I am actually probably breathing too much . If that doesn’t help enough I usually try a lavender bath then more lavender oil when I get out . And at this point zzzquil to just knock me out so I can try to sleep it off
Those sound like great things and I totally get it. I use to set my timer on my phone because I read that after 15 mins it wouldn’t be so bad but it didnt always work but its so hard when they come. I think back on my life and I can remember having them as a child but nobody took notice that something was wrong.
I have GAD and for the years my anxiety was very bad I was able to take a benzo and tried all kinds of methods for help. Recovery, Inc. was a huge help. Have you heard of it?
No I haven’t
It's a somewhat complicated method of brief reminders you learn (a few words to recall the point of a lesson) that represent lessons in attitude and common sense taught by a Dr. Abraham Low before there was ever any drugs such as SSRIs, etc. So this is an older method than psych drugs. It was helping people before there was a single drug to lean on. It's learned in meetings one lesson at a time but it's not available in every area. You might want to check it out. Dr. Low has a strong accent when his recordings are played---I think it's Swiss or German---I can't remember---but his teachings are solid. It helped me out tremendously and I still find myself using his logic today.
I have the contact info for the organization should you ever want it.