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Never ending anxiety

admirablesloth profile image
33 Replies

Living with anxiety is so exhausting. Everything that has to do with people or taking care of everyday tasks gives me this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and i feel all twitchy and the feeling can sometimes become unbearable where I want nothing more than to jump out of my own skin. It affects my happiness because I want to be out there and experience the world but I hate feeling vulnerably scared almost??? I try to hype myself up always before attempting something anxiety ridden but once I face it, I lose focus and get sucked back in. It makes me feel weak. I can’t stand it. It deters me from living my life, and then I get depressed. I should be grateful and I am, I am so grateful for my life which only makes me feel guilty. I’ve always had anxiety, but it’s hasn’t gotten easier to deal with. Any suggestions?

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admirablesloth profile image
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33 Replies
SA192461 profile image

I’m so sorry that you’re going thru this, I feel the exact same way..and I’m so exhausted from it.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to SA192461

SA, I've been looking for you.. Wanted to say "hi" and ask

how you are doing? Have you found anything that helps in

bringing down the anxious feelings?? xx

SA192461 profile image
SA192461 in reply to Agora1

Hi Agora1! I’m deep breathing right now, it does help with my anxiety, just need to do it more..instead of letting the crying take over. How are you doing today? I hope well😊I’ve tried 2 jobs now, that haven’t worked out for me, the first one at the bank was mentally too much, and this newest one, at a grocery store, I applied for cashier, but they didn’t have anything available at the moment so she offered me the Deli, but my back went out because of the lifting and bending, cleaning fryers, meat slicer.. I have a herniated disc..which hasn’t bothered me in awhile.. but now I’m wearing my brace again. I’m trying so hard not to get discouraged. God! I just want a job I can do! I’m a receptionist ( for salons) but the salons in this town are too small and don’t need a receptionist. I’m just going to keep breathing dear friend💕

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to SA192461

Hi SA :) I'm proud of you looking for work. I think once you find the right

job, it will make a big difference in your mental state. Don't give up, search

until you find something that may work. It may be just around the corner :)

Several years back, I took on a seasonal job during the Christmas holidays,

working in the Customer Service Booth at a large mall. It entailed giving

directions, renting out wheelchairs and strollers and my favorite...

Selling Lottery Tickets. How nice it is to get paid for something you enjoy

as well as meeting other people and forgetting about our problems.

Keep us updated. Never give up and continue deep breathing :) xx

SA192461 profile image
SA192461 in reply to Agora1

Thank you Agora1!! I will continue as scared & discouraged as I am💕🙏🏻

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to SA192461

Good Luck :) xx

SA192461 profile image
SA192461 in reply to Agora1

Thank you!!! xoxo

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to SA192461

Me too, it’s such a daily battle but I promise we got this! I know some days can feel unbearable, but I’ve been making an attempt to rewire my brain so instead of beating up on myself every time a moment is ruined by anxiety, I tell myself the moment has passed and to live in the moment. Of course it’s way easier said than done, we all know anxiety constantly will creep up with the “what if’s” and “I bet they think we’re crazy now” “I bet they see right through you” but I have found myself saying that messing up and not so perfect moments are life and to move on. I then deep breathe constantly and have mini meditation moments throughout the day to work through those moments. I know it can be a struggle but if you ever need anybody to speak to, you’re more than welcome to message me at any time!

Agora1 profile image

The "butterfly feeling" in the pit of the stomach is sooo annoying and unbearable.

Did you know that perfecting your breathing can not only reduce but stop that

feeling immediately?? Upon awakening, I use deep breathing to eliminate morning

anxiety. I've been doing it for so long that with the very first deep breath I take, upon

a long slow exhalation, the adrenaline comes down drastically. The thing about deep

breathing is that you have complete control over it, it is free and it is with you at all times.

Nervous while driving? Deep Breathe it away. Nervous in the Big Box Stores? Breathe it

away. But also use it while relaxing watching tv, reading a book as well as being on the forum. It keeps you in tune with your natural rhythm. Anxiety doesn't have to be

forever. :) xx

SA192461 profile image
SA192461 in reply to Agora1

Thank you Agora1!! I’ve practiced deep breathing with my meditation, but Not on a regular basis, I will try and start doing that💕

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Agora1

Yesss this is so very true. I tried deep breathing not too long ago and I have noticed a difference, but you’re so right on the fact you must stay on that natural rhythm.. it feels like after a while you have a habit of doing it and start to do it more naturally without having to tell yourself to. I know I should be doing it more often. Thank you so much for your advice!! I really appreciate it 💕

Anxiousabby profile image

I'm not sure if it gets better for everyone, but you seem to be in the right path. Your anxiety acceptance and gratitude for life are the very first steps for a smoother lifestyle. I'm kinda new in this too and I'm trying so hard to stop being scared and worried all the time. I thought my anxious thoughts were under control until I started just like you feel symptomatic. I get numbness everywhere, twitches, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, you name it..and all I can do is taking one day at the time and cope with this feeling. Please share what works for you in times like this, for me working out has helped to ease that feeling of worryness and some of my physical symptoms. Good luck

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Anxiousabby

Thank you, I really appreciate that. You also seem on the right path by your efforts in managing it, it’s easy to let anxiety take over but you want better and even though we couldn’t do anything about getting anxiety we can sure as hell try what we can do get rid of it. I’ve tried deep breathing and that has actually helped a lot. In a lot of moments I have throughout the day, my mind is constantly trying to link that anxious feeling with a reason I feel that way creating these false/ made up situations in my head, so once that begins I breathe in deep and breathe out while also maintaining a rhythm to it. I know this sucks but we got this 💕 thank you so much for sharing

Anxiousabby profile image
Anxiousabby in reply to admirablesloth

I swear, I feel like you were talking about my life, and It gives me a little relief to know I'm not the only one, my head does the same thing, trying to link to situations that causes me more anxiety. I tell myself everyday that this symptoms are not real, and I live in a constant battle against myself which I want to think I'm gonna win someday. Idk, I come to this forums once in a while and it makes me feel a little better. Thank you for answering

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Anxiousabby

omg yes it’s like an illusion almost but ever since I found this forum I feel a little bit better knowing I’m not crazy and there are others like you who know what goes on inside my mind but no problem at all thanks for sharing ☺️

FindingTree profile image
FindingTree in reply to Anxiousabby

Are you sure your not in me head, I feel the same and I’ve been trying to find ways to deal instead of breaking down every time. When I was younger I could cope a little better with distractions but now that I’m older I feel like it overwhelms me to the point where I can’t control my own body. Most recently I had the shakes so bad I called my bff who’s pre-med because I thought I was dying.

Anxiousabby profile image
Anxiousabby in reply to FindingTree

This is something I copy from another member of this community and it helps to understand what are we going through

From jeff1943

Anxiety takes many forms but it is always still anxiety. Let's recap.

Anxiety disorder occurs when our nervous system reaches anxiety overload. We all have a different threshold for this, some more prone than others.

The onset is caused by worry, overwork, loss, disappointment, grief, shame, money worries, concern for others we love, toxic relationships, over stressful work situations and health worries to name just some.

When our nervous system can take no more it becomes super sensitive and starts playing up like an overloaded electric circuit.

So anxiety disorder is a perfectly normal reaction to too much stress.

In their over sensitive state our nerves start inflicting all sorts of symptoms upon us. Health anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, derealisation, panic attacks, you name it.

It's important to get your anxiety properly diagnosed by a doctor for reassurance - and because a small number of people can experience anxiety because of thyroid problems which can be easily corrected by medication.

Once we enter the anxiety disorder stage, every problem and minor worry is magnified by a factor of 10.

Sensitive nerves are so good at mimicking real illness that even after diagnosis by healthcare professionals, and sophisticated tests, many still believe their doctor has "missed something".

Anxiety disorder can soon become a self perpetuating phenomenon. The symptoms we experience produce fear hormones that stimulate our over sensitised nerves even further. So more symptoms are produced causing more fear causing more symptoms causing more fear - and so the vicious cycle rolls on and on.

If the bad feeling becomes overwhelming and we have work and family responsibilities then a period of respite through medication is justified. Meds have an important part to play, people should cease to demonise them, but meds cannot bring recovery. Once we stop taking them the horrors return.

Everybody who has experienced high anxiety can recover no matter how long or how severely you have suffered. No matter if your anxiety is a temporary reaction to stress or whether your low threshold to anxiety overload is inherited.

Talking therapies can be effective and so can self-help books written by people who know what they're talking about. In my opinion the greatest of these, set out by Claire Weekes several decades ago relies for recovery on the four imperatives: Face - Accept - Float - And let time pass!

FindingTree profile image
FindingTree in reply to Anxiousabby

That was a great read, thanks so much for sharing.

Cara78 profile image

Hi, ive realised that pumping myself up before the event makes it worse, so does breathing heavily, i end up panicking. Its tough love i embark on and i go out my comfort zone regularly to create a bigger world for myself, its my job to be responsible for my mentalhealth and stop thinking the world evolves around me. An example of that would be "whats the worst that can happen" people may see me panic in public and im getting to the stage i dont give a shit because ultimately il end up not achieving anything in life out of dellusional thinking about what the world thinks and what crazy stuff could happen if i dare leave my door, truth is im not that important and the bigworld has plans way beyond my control so i accept how little I am in the grand scheme of things and this thinking helps me because i believe it. Most mental health problems stem from caring too much about what others think of you. Our brains are very powerful and can conjur up a whole lot of bullshit but can also do the opposite and create very healthy thoughts and feelings, it takes practice but it works if i change my thinking. Eventually it gets easier and honestly it works. Everytime i feel guilty i try and change it to loving me because guilt isnt helpful for us, instead of guilt i use self understanding and acknowledge im feeling the way i do and that i have a right to feel this way but work from there by guiding myself through a more helpful path in my mind, ive no room in my brain for guilt or shame unless ive done something very wrong. I spent years feeling guilty. Its time to rid the guilt, here, is a world we can enjoy, doing good deeds takes guilt away and taking myself away from self is healthy cuz im not that important in this big world although i understand my self importance and take responsibility for myself and understand its an inside job. I read good books, dont watch the news or buy junk newspapers, what others think of me is none of my buisness! i mind my own buisness, spend time in nature, count my blessings even if somedays its only the roof over my head, ive toughened up and life isnt easy for anyone, ive realised this. Social media is all lies too. We are all equal, no one any better, no one any worse, of course their are real evil people but thats none of my buisness. I wish you well xxx

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Cara78

Yassss I love this. Kudos to you though for making so many improvements and being strong, I’ve been trying to do the same. Especially where you say we’re so small in this big world, I find myself saying that a lot. I feel like my anxiety makes me almost too self involved and at the end of the day no one is genuinely dwelling on that “anxiety ridden” thing I did so why worry so much? I’ve been trying to take these small steps outside my comfort zone and even the littlest thing I do can feel like an accomplishment but hey it’s something and we must try and not let anxiety run our lives. Thanks so much for sharing your input, that was really helpful and know if you yourself ever need anyone to talk to about your daily struggle you’re more than welcome to contact me ☺️

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to admirablesloth

Aww thanks so much for sharing your stuff and putting your hand out! I will remember this and today has actually not been too bad, i got a book delivered there called "mindset" by Dr carol s. Dweck so im gony give it a read and il let you know how it is. Im in the process of trying to change my negative reactions to people places and things cuz theres a thousand ways i can live my life its the mental practice that will change my direction and outcomes. So im gony try not go over the past or too far ahead cuz we are powerful us humans when we believe in ourselves,we've made it this far, they have proven that even walking different routes when we are out can help us think different, i take omega 3 fish oil cuz i can get really lethargic and depressed but some days are doable, i wish us the best cuz we deserve it and are our own worst critics at times lol. Enjoy the rest of your day!

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Cara78

exxacttlyyyy thats what I've been telling myself to. I try to redirect my mindset to focus on solutions instead of the problem, and ive noticed that once you do it more often, you almost re wire your brain to being to do it automatically. It's weird, its like you have to retrain your mind to do certain things in order to cope. I can get really depressed too, sometimes a direct result from being anxious and feeling limited in life but we can't become prisoners to it. I've been trying to try to consider it a strength, because even though anxiety is more than just simply "caring too much", that really is what it is at the end of the day. We care, and we're sensitive to life but we're strong because even with those struggles we still decide to live our lives to the fullest and get up everyday searching for ways to do just that. Keep me updated on that book, i've been actually trying to read more lately so let me know how it is!! but once again thank you, your thoughts are truly appreciated. We got thisss lol

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to admirablesloth

Brilliant xxx

Minnie87 profile image

Oh the dreaded butterfly feeling.i have this feeling all day a little friend that always keeps me company.

Even washing up is a chore.

I have started to do what agora said about the deep breathing.its a lovely feeling when that first breath takes away the first I couldn’t even get to a stage where I could deep breathe as I was just so anxious I couldn’t relax for a second.but now I am really trying to perfect it.

I’m yet to find a medication that takes away the dread/doom/butterfly feeling so for now deep breathing and meditation it is!i really hope you find some relief.

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Minnie87

Ugh I know this feeling all too well and I’m sorry you have to constantly battle it. I used to be completely opposed to deep breathing because it sounded so minor and I had a lot of doubt about a simple task relieving my heart palpitations but it surprisingly helps a lot more than I ever thought! Starting to do it is good, I guess anxiety makes us forget we’re breathing sometimes and I don’t realize I’m not until I take a deep breathe and find my heart rate decreasing. We just have to keep at it. I sing and i can’t bring myself to sing on a stage because I’m so convinced my anxiety will take over and expose me in front of everybody, but one day I’ll be able to get there. We just have to take this one day at a time.. waking up and deep breathing, and doing throughout the day and before we sleep. Medication I feel only masks the problem and makes me feel sleepy + still doesn’t provide relief. We’ll get there, it’ll take some habit changing and mentality altering but we’ll get there 💕 thank you so much for sharing, you can always talk to me if you ever need somebody to speak to

guynfl2chat profile image

I had my anxiety better managed for most this year and now its hitting me hard. I have some triggers lately and it is making itself known. I am seeing a doctor for some preliminary heart tests and that makes me nervous. We are trying to figure if PVCs are causing the anxiety or visaversa. Work is stressful and I cant get my mind to relax. So when I try to disconnect the anxiety today said .. hey lets throw him some really good sensations. I just took a xanax and its settling me a bit, but I hate feeling this way. I have been doing so well and its disappointing when we have this bouts of more intense feelings and emotions. Someone told me to just let the emotions flow thru, cry and let it out and then it subsides.

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to guynfl2chat

I feel your pain, but I'm sorry that your feeling this way, I know it can take over sometimes. I actually felt the same way!! As soon as I thought I was getting somewhere, it comes around again. Fingers crossed on your visit though, regardless you'll probably can either narrow down where the anxiety is coming from or know the root cause and you can work your way up from there. We can be our own worst critics though, so try not to get so down on yourself. I have the problem of getting down and almost staying down, and being stuck in this loop of "anxiety will always be my weakness" but I've been attempting to completely eliminate those thoughts of defeat and instead accept the fact that anxiety will always be there, I just have to learn to manage it better. That's some really good advice though, just feeling the feeling. Feel it completely, and then start the move on process. Thanks so much for sharing though I appreciate your thoughts

Stillcrazy123 profile image

I have always lived with anxiety and after years of it, I finally decided to try and SSRI antidepressant. It has helped my life tremendously! I don’t stay as uptight and bothered by so many things. I am now a senior citizen and have been on this medication for 30 yrs. I wonder why I waited. Life is still hard, but it helps me cope without being paralyzed by anxiety.

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to Stillcrazy123

wow, thats really refreshing to hear. I know medication isn't supposed to solve life problems, but at the same time I want to be able to handle life problems without, as you said, being paralyzed by anxiety that deters me from making rational decisions and being able to focus and honestly just live my life as normally as I can. thank you so much for sharing, ill probably go to my doctor in the near future and see what they would recommend

majolie profile image


A lot of people have already responded, but I wanted to toss out a few other ideas that have helped me and others I know who struggle with anxiety. First of all, there are practical things you can do that could be causing or exacerbating the anxiety: drinking too much caffeine, being sedentary, being too involved in social media. All of these things have been proven to cause anxiety. So if any of those apply to you, you can do something about it.

Exercising is such a great way to relieve anxiety. Being in the outdoors, preferable somewhere beautiful, uplifts the spirit, and the actual exercise releases endorphins that make you feel better. If you have a dog (which is also an anxiety-reducer), walk your dog morning and night!

Do you listen to music? It's important to listen to the kind of music that's uplifting. Music that vents about violence, hatred, sex, and drugs won't uplift you. Consider classical, worship, or instrumental music.

Taking meds can be helpful and get you over a hump, but as an RN, I can tell you that it's only a bandaid. There is a root cause of your anxiety, and if you can discover it, you can conquer it for good. This could entail facing something painful from your past, but not necessarily. So seeing your primary care doctor and a therapist/counselor can get you going in the right direction.

"They" (whoever they are) say that the cure for anxiety and depression is doing things for others. It gets our minds off ourselves, and lo and behold, our spirits are lifted! Some things to consider are volunteering at a place where you have a passion: animal shelter, old-folks home, community center/park, hospital, etc. Think of what you LOVE to do or what gets you really inspired and that will lead to an idea for volunteering. And what's cool about that, is sometimes a place you volunteer ends up turning into a job you love.

The thing about anxiety is it paralyzes us and keeps us inwardly focused. We need to get out of our own heads! Stop listening to the lies in your head that replay in a loop. I use scripture to tell myself the truth about who I am in God's eyes (beloved, precious, worthy), who He is (always with me, will never leave me nor forsake me, FOR me not against me, always ready to listen and help), and what I need (forgiveness, hope, wisdom, living purposefully to bless others). This has helped more than anything. Our world tells us lots of lies that are NOT helpful, and when I believe them, I sink down.

I'm praying that you can find freedom from this anxiety and live the life you dream of. It's awesome that you have "an attitude of gratitude"...that's such a great place to start. I once wrote in a journal for one whole year: every day I wrote 3 things I'm thankful for. Some days all I could come up with was "I woke up." Some days are like that. But after a year, my entire perspective on life had changed, and I'm a much more positive and grateful person than I used to be. God bless you as you pursue victory! You can do it!

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to majolie

Yess I love this so much thank you!!! I love music, I sing actually which is why my anxiety gets in the way of everything I love most so music has saved my life in so many ways. I love helping people, it’s hard for me to leave the house sometimes but you’re so right, having a purpose and doing things that help others always makes me feel good. Thanks for your advice tho this is great 💕

UFC80 profile image

I can say everything you described here is me! So many people replying should give u some comfort,as it just has given me 😊 I know how you feel buddy. Were here for you in times of need!🤗

admirablesloth profile image
admirablesloth in reply to UFC80

it definitely does!! So many kind people on this forum know exactly how we feel, it’s so comforting. Thank you so much, we can get through this ☺️

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