Original post link. healthunlocked.com/anxiety-...
God why won’t you rescue me?
What are you doing or more accurately why aren’t you doing anything?
You’ve turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to my cries for help.
The heavens are shut off to me.
I cry for help
I cry for rescue
Yet nothing changes
Except for growing worse
Nothing I touch works
Nothing I touch prospers
Whatever I try fails
My only success is continuing to fail
I’m beyond the end of my rope
I’m off the edge of a cliff
How long will this last
Why won’t it end
Depression is a brain fog that just won’t lift
No focus
No motivation
No direction
I’m tired
I’m exhausted
I’m worn out
I need a win
Anxiety paralyzes my brain
Drains my emotions
Overwhelms my senses
The smallest thing sets me off
All at the same time
Racing thoughts
All making noise in my head
I want to quit
I want to sleep
I want to do nothing
Why is life like this
What have I done to deserve this
Why am I cursed
Why have friends left
Am I just worthless
Nevertheless I rise
I rise each day
I do my best
I strive
Each minute
Each moment
Success and failure
Failure and success
Such is life
Such is reality
Onward and upward I climb
For my family
For myself
I strive
Step by step
Even if I have to crawl
Even when I fall backwards
I strive
Daily I fight my demons
They will not win in the end
I did not get this way overnight
I will not win overnight
I will seek beauty where possible
I will seek life where possible
I will find beauty in the moment
I will find life in the moment
These demons will not win
They will not beat me
I will overcome
I will win
I will win the moments
I will win the hours
I will win the days
I will win the years
I will rebuild
I will overcome
Not through my own strength
But for me I will wait on and rely on God
He will give me strength
He will give me hope
He will bring comfort
He will bring healing