Why are people so mean in this world? If you stick up for people you are the bad person. Or people will just lie. They get believed. No wonder why victims do not come forward. Liars will always win. It is sick how people will make you feel crazy. When you are not. Does it make them feel better. How do they life with themselves? They go on like nothing happens. They did nothing wrong. They don’t even feel guilty or care. They don’t even care about the pain they cause you. They just forget. While people like us life with the pain. Thinking we did wrong. We are crazy. We hope one day it will stop. Who are we kidding it is never going to stop. A new person will come along and do the same thing. We will say why me. We will feel like crap. The only time it will stop. Is when we leave this world. We were never good enough for this world. Or the people in it. All we wanted was to be like and love. It is a curse that will never go away.That why we hate people.
cruel world maybe triggering. - Anxiety and Depre...
cruel world maybe triggering.

I too have come across some really awful people in life - cruel and uncaring. We all have as that's life unfortunately.
I read somewhere that narcissistic people are common and often find themselves in positions of power because they crave those they can manipulate and control to feed their ego.
Having said that though I have also met some fantastic people in my life who would give you the shirt off their backs. I try and concentrate on the good people instead and either avoid or learn to deal with toxic ones.
If its family members then its more difficult yes and I had/have a couple of those too. Its a question of setting boundaries with them.
Try and look less on the negative side of life and more on the positive is my experience.
Yes, too I have found too many people take advantage of people. Scams are so common and the criminals get away with so much as prisons are full. Tired of hearing about how they are let off and not punished. Too many people with stories of their abusive or rights taken away of good honest people. We need more care and charities to help with these crimes or look for other ways to punish and change these criminals. Too much in the news of crimes and new ones taking place all media should chase up these stories of hardworking people who have to put their lives back as best they can or in some cases live with the tragedies of the crime. Much more needs to be done for victims
we can find peace in the fact that some of us stick to our good morals Love overpowers hate. Sometimes there is justice, not enough, though. It’s sad. We don’t have to hate people, just the behaviors. Keep being your good beautiful self. That’s how we win.
love to you ❤️ and peace ☮️ and joy 🌞
There are some horrible people in this world but I also know some wonderfully kind people. They are all around us and if I am feeling down I ask the universe for a sign and I either meet someone nice or I see a sign that the universe is listening and looking after me. I know not everyone believes this but I have seen with my own eyes signs which I believe are helping me through this life

Thank you. It helps. You are an amazing person.
Hey SF
I’ve often asked myself and have discussed in length with friends , both believers and non, your very question and we have much of the same observations
Im a follower of God and Christ and attribute much of my recovery to Him. I study His Word everyday.
This was in my studies today 2 Timothy 3:1-5
For the life of me ,can’t seem to find any other answer to such a trend.
If you’re a believer, then it’s in the book. The plan is right there and is actually a sign of eventual great things.
If we are not going with that theory then maybe it’s just ugliness progressing forward , with no rhyme or reason . And maybe never changing. What will change it?
Thank God for the good people, who do care and love all, just as the book tells us to be or as many of my non believer friends example all the time.
Thank you