I’m just struggling with trusting anyone. I’ve reached some life milestones recently, but people around me have shown their true colors. I can’t tell what terms I’m on with them, even those close to me I’m keeping a close eye on like things they say or do. I don’t completely believe they’re happy for me no matter what their words say.
I’m constantly worried if I’m being betrayed behind my back. I get that saying of “self fulfilling prophecy”, but I iust have a super messy past that’s been hard to work through even after two years of therapy. I barely know if my last therapist even wanted the best for me because they were so inconsistent.
I just had to let this out. My town is so small that if I told someone about my problem they’d likely tell others about it :/ I’ve been praying to God for guidance as the cliche goes, but it’s just hard tonight if anyone has some advice.
So far, people close to me who say they trustworthy have been nothing but consistent and supportive. I should be happy, but I just have this deep seated fear that behind closed doors they have another personality that’s malicious. It’s super hard for me to even accept if someone is nice! Makes me think there’s an ulterior motive