March 18th 2025 I will be 3 years sober. I spent almost 10 years in active addiction, prior to that I suffered from eating disorders. So I guess for a while I bounced from vice to vice. I wouldn't have been able to get sober if it weren't for my boyfriend. I was living with family. My mother used with me. It was toxic and horrible, and my grandmother knew about it. My boyfriend encouraged me to talk to him through any cravings but I relapsed Saint Patrick's Day 2022. The guilt and shame I felt having to tell my boyfriend I messed up was enough to be the end of my use. He really believed in me and I let him down. He asked me to move in with him and it was the best decision I could have made for my sobriety. He lived an hour away so I was able to get a fresh start in a new city.
In December 2022 we found out I was pregnant. We were so excited to be parents. We had our son in September and he was a nicu baby. He stayed 10 days in nicu before coming home to us. I ended up struggling with postpartum depression and I got no help. Counseling places would tell me they didn't have anyone available who specializes in that and to call back in a few weeks. That was the constant pattern I got from places. December 21st 2023. 3 months after I became a new mother. My dad, my best friend, died from an overdose. 3 days later my boyfriend went back to work and left me to plan the funeral with my toxic family alone with our baby. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life. I don't know how, but I've stayed sober. I'm not in any programs. I have no therapist. I have no supports anymore. I've had to cut my entire family off. My boyfriend and I are trying to work through our issues but that's just an entire separate box of trauma i can't open right now. I'm home all day every day with our son while he works. I am cut off from everyone here. I'm desperate for support. I'm desperate to get out of my house. I want to work but it's on hold due to my boyfriend's work schedule and future transfer. I just need people to know I'm here. I'm hurting.