For the last 2 months, my anxiety and panic has been at an all time high. The breathing, muscle tension, shaking, sweats just all of it. I have been in retail for 20 years now and just recently got a new store manager. My schedule is all weird now so I’m losing even more sleep than I used to. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorder many years ago. Was on klonopin for 10 years. It worked most of the time! The doctor took me off because they said I had been on it too long. It’s been 8 years without meds and I don’t know if my body is changing with age or what but the constant anxiety is affecting my job BIG time! I took a week off, and I was fine the whole week! Came back last Sunday and Bam! Anxiety and panic was back! The hardest days are my truck days. I have to be there at 4am so I get up at 2. It is to the point I am even scared to go to the grocery store in fear of having a panic attack. It has become debilitating. I feel like no one gets what I have going on. Definitely here for support and understanding. I am tired of feeling alone in this fight.
First Post-awful physical anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
First Post-awful physical anxiety

I struggle with this too. I had a terrible episode like you’re describing back in September and had to get back on a regular medication that I can take long term. An SNRI, it helps immensely and worked right away but took me about 6-8 weeks to feel fully like myself again. It’s been so worth it. I was having the exact same thing—panic attacks that landed me in the ER and urgent care. My blood pressure and pulse would be through the roof. I didn’t want to leave the house for anything. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this
Thank you for your reply back❤️
And I’m so sorry you had to go through this as well. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!!!!
I’m so happy you are feeling better!!!!
I’m thinking I need medication because nothing else is helping. I used to do a lot of pushups and workout but due to a pulled muscle in my back, haven’t been able to. I have been actively trying to find a therapist close by to help! Thanks so much again!!! I hate you had to go through this but also it’s nice to not feel alone in this!
I used to do pushups to counter my anxiety and it helped so much! But I’ve had a weird tingling sensation in my back for a while now so I stopped. Ever feel that? Counting and pushups have always been a go to for me.
A tingling sensation in your back? I’m sure you might have asked a doctor about this already but have you had bloodwork, etc? When you mentioned that, autoimmune issues come to mind. Just might be worth checking into. I have an autoimmune disease and it runs in my family. Anxiety can be connected. Sending a prayer up for you today!
I'm sorry you're struggling right now sweetie 🥰 I have this too I feel like I'm having a heart attack and panic more. It's time for you to see a psychiatrist and get some meds.
Take care
I have been on anti-anxiety medication for a while. I love Klonopin but I have to say I take a very small amount because I'm older. When I'm really upset that small amount does the trick. I am on an antidepressant it helps a little bit but for panic and anxiety Klonopin is it for me. Be careful and don't take more than the doctor advises. Find an antidepressant that works well fo you. I have been on antidepressants for years trying different ones to find the ones that work the best. Good Luck!
yes, I would say many of us on here understand completely . Sorry you are going through this . Panic and anxiety is so scary