I am a college student and I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to do. Everyone around me seems to be knowing what to do with their life and here I am, always stagnant . I wish I was like others. I have no idea where my will to do things went. When I look back to when I was a child, I used to be so active. I would catch on to difficult concepts like it was nothing but now I can't even do the simplest things. I want to be the old me again. But I have no idea how to do that. How can I be my old, happy self again? I don't know. And I doubt I ever will. I wish I had someone to be with me during these times. Am I never going to get out of this hell hole? Am I always going to be the gloomy, dumb me? I don't want to be this way anymore. I want to change. I want to break out of these chains I have imposed on myself. Please tell me how can I do that.
How to get one's life together? - Anxiety and Depre...
How to get one's life together?

You can bet that half the people out there don't know what they're going to do with their lives, and that's people of all ages. You're very young, and young people are changing all the time. Just try not to stress about it; no one stays the same their whole lives. Right now, just do what makes you happy, whether it's music, exercise, gaming, whatever. Everyone goes through this at some point in their lives - many times. You're normal.
Beavis is right. The good news is that you want to change. Take a step in that direction, one day at a time. Therapy helps. Join a group that is doing something you like, friends will come more naturally that way. Don't worry about being like everyone else. You are a unique human being, there's no one else like you. And remember, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. Practice being your own best friend. You will grow and become the person you truly want to be.
Hi Gwen,You seem so down on life just now. I am going to suggest that you make use of the Student Assistance Program or SAP available through student services.
The SAP offers free and confidential assistance to students with all sorts of issues. The staff are able to provide advice and guidance without judgement or criticism.
Making contact should be available by phone or email if you don't want to go to Student Services desk in the first instance.
Don't wait too long to find help. You don't want the problem to become a crisis. Even if it does, the SAP can take you on.
All the best
A lot of people who seem to have it all together don't really. We all struggle with similar issues. I didn't get a degree until I was 47! It sounds like you need to practice a little self care/compassion. Stop telling yourself that you're dumb. I know it's hard but look in the mirror and give yourself some positive affirmation! I need to do the same thing, honestly. I hope you feel better soon. Remember, the bad days don't last forever.
QuiltLady is right. You are comparing your insides to everyone else's outsides. They probably don't have it together as much as you may think.