I’m always torn between follow your dreams and be grateful for what you have.
Some days I hate work. I hate my job. It’s not hard but it means nothing to me other than a steady paycheck. I’m grateful for a steady paycheck but there’s no passion or joy involved. I’m living but I’m not alive. I go through the motions like a good employee- go to bed early, prepare my outfit the night before, catch the bus and go to the meetings, say hi to people… bye to people, then it’s basically the same thing in reverse. Rinse and repeat. Day in, day out. Depressing.
”Oh but gratefulness is the key to happiness blah blah bs”
I’m beginning to see a pattern in me. I think I’ve come to a point in my life where I’m desperate. I’m 41, I’m middle aged. I have another 40 (hopefully) and what will I do with these 4 decades? So far in my life, I’ve been very passive, scared, and unsure about practically everything. I never know if I’m doing anything right. Did my anxiety and depression make me behave this way? Or did my behavior turn me into an anxious and depressed person?
I’ve spent the last 2 decades at my job developing skills I care nothing about. Mostly because I could never imagine a future. It all seemed like a black wall. ”Will the future come? I’m not sure. Will it? Someone please tell me what to do!”
Ugh I hate being this way. Yet here I am. The future has come after all and it keeps coming. What will I do with myself? Will I keep marching on like a robot? Will I ever amount to anything? Is this good enough? Is this good enough for me? Do I have to keep doing meaningless things for other people to survive? What a shitty feeling.
As an introvert, I think I come alive the most when I do something I consider brave, when I come out of hiding and guarding. It usually has something to do with sharing myself with the public. Sometimes posting my art on instagram makes me feel alive. Sometimes it’s dancing with and in front of other people that makes me feel alive. Or even “taking care of business” as in calling up the bank or phone company to get some answers makes me feel like a much bigger, stronger, more capable person. I feel good inside. Solid. Like I exist.
idk, I guess I could have put this in my journal instead of here. But maybe this helps me feel alive too. I just hate my job and hate the anxiety I get from work emails and texts. They are calling me to action for things I care nothing about. Although I do experience a satisfaction from putting in a hard day of honest work. So what do I care about? Idk… my free time to explore inspiration? Health? Quality time with my partner… maybe not much else.
I don’t know what kind of depression there is out there but mine is mostly the “what’s the point?” kind of depression. Existential crises. Perhaps it’s because I have too much time on my hands. maybe it’s because I’m slacking off at work so I can run on a chronic baseline of anxiety. Maybe I’m too hard on myself. I may be a perfectionist. Maybe I’m too easy on myself. Am I putting too much or too little pressure on myself? It depends on who I ask I guess. When did I become like this? Who started it? Was it the lifestyle or the mental illness? Oh right, it was the chronic trauma then… who knows.
I’d like to think I can beat this thing. That I can overcome my hardships and become some wise and knowing elder. Someone with inner peace and an aura of well-being. But right now I’m like a rat in a cage. Vicious. Angry. Seeking justice. Seeking the method of true escape. I never consider self-harm or harming others. I just want to heal and feel alive. I want to confront every single thing that has ever scared me and never run away scared again. Never fear those boogey men under the bed again. Said the scared soft-spoken little girl inside me. There’s so much to work on.
anyways, at least I got through another work day. And now I can go be anxious on my couch.