Hello everyone. This is my first time posting and even joining a group like this. I have a lot of free time right now but don’t enjoy myself. I know it would be good for me to get out of the house or participate in hobbies but I don’t feel like it. Then I question if I’m just being lazy. I should be enjoying my free time but I spend the day passing time until my husband gets home. What do you guys do to get out of the funk? How do you make yourself do the things you know are good for you even when you really don’t feel like it?
I have suffered from anxiety for a long time and sought help for it because I had a panic attack on my way to school one day. Then shortly after that, in September, my mom unexpectedly died. I know I’m still dealing with the grief. I finished my degree to honor my mom and I passed all 4 of my board exams on the first try. While I should be happy about all of those things it’s bitter sweet because I’m sad that I can’t share these things with my mom. Now that I’ve graduated and haven’t started my new career yet, I don’t have a schedule. I never do well with not having a schedule and having all this free time to myself. I’m good about being disciplined with school and with work but I’m not so disciplined about self care goals. I had been going to Nar-Anon meetings because both of my parents suffered from substance abuse issues while I was growing up (first alcohol then opiates). Mom didn’t die of an overdose but the hard life she lived took a toll on her heart. I haven’t been to the Nar-anon meetings for 4-5 weeks because I was busy with school and sometimes it was hard to make myself go. It’s been 7, going on 8 months since Mom died. Some days are harder than others. I know it’s not healthy for me to isolate and spend time the way I have been. How do you do the things you know are healthy for you when you just don’t feel like doing anything? Do you feel better after you make yourself do things like go for a walk or other self care activities?