I’m new here. I had a panic attack today after a friend of mine threw a lot of negativity at me. I kept crying for hours and frantically searching for anyone to talk to. No one would talk to me. I finally, an hour later, got someone.
I tend to be blunt and honest to a fault. Not everyone can handle it. But I realized it wasn’t even what he said that bugged me as much. It’s a pile of stuff. It’s me becoming like my mom. Diagnosed with being premenopausal. No kids. No husband or family. Not even aunts or uncles anymore. My dad has been gone for years. My mom is narcissistic and verbally abusive. Ive had nothing but narcissistic ex boyfriends too cause that’s what I searched for, unknowingly. I’ve held all this inside me for years. On top of helping friends and family overcome health issues, personal issues. I broke last year. When I tried to have hope that my mom would want to mend things before her surgery. Instead, I just got her anger. The usual. An argument over something stupid. I closed that door. Done with her. Even though I’m going to see her when I go in March for my bday to California. I’m dreading it cause she will comment on how I look cause stress and beta blockers have made me gain weight.
Anyhow, I searched therapists today and found one. Called her. Then I will call more tomorrow. I need help. I can’t keep doing this. My depression is getting worse and these panic attacks make me unproductive at work. I wind up leaving cause I can’t get it under control.