please let it be Friday, Friday please
It’s only Tuesday
What was spiders new year resolution?
To get off the web
I plan to Woo! Hoo! Today
But first I need coffee
I think Sunday should be 48 hours and Tuesday optional
Need more rest days
To the person who stole my glasses :
I will find you , I have contacts .
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Oh, sorry about that. I'll send them right over.
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😁back. How are you?
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Not too bad , thanks . And you ?
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Doing okay, thanks. It's snowing hard over here.
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Just cold and wet here. We had a bit of snow in the London area on Saturday night, but it went quickly.Stay warm amd safe 🤗
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Thanks, and same to you😊
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When it is a full moon.
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* What did the skeleton order for dinner?
Spare ribs!
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