Hi everyone. I've been struggling for years now with depression and anxiety. Some of the hardest physical parts for me are GERD (gastro esophageal reflux) and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). They have really reduced the quality of my life in many ways. I can no longer eat some of my favorite foods such as onion, tomato, avocado, chiles, etc. All other foods have the potential to upset my stomach as well depending on the day I guess. When my anxiety is bad, which is almost all the time, I constantly have stomachaches and my stomach feels like a brick of nastiness. I used to have to use the restroom a billion times a day but that has gotten a bit better lately. My GERD can be so awful at night when I'm laying down but can also act up just from sitting. I haven't gotten much quality sleep from the constant burning, bubbling, acidifying. I've tried elevating my upper body when sleeping, antacids, DGL licorice, and omeprazole for the GERD without much luck. Does anyone else struggle with this and how do you deal with it?
How to deal with Gastroesophageal ref... - Anxiety and Depre...
How to deal with Gastroesophageal reflux and irritable bowel?

Faunusaterlater, sorry for your quandary. I also had to drastically change my diet due to threats of life ending problems due to resulting health issues.
I don’t know if these forums on HU will help you much, there may be more people on them that might relate though so it could be worth a try.
Here’s one about IBS. I suggest you give them a try.
Best of luck.
I have IBS which is triggered by stress. I take 4 Immodium AD tablets every morning plus Bentyl for the abdominal pain and cramps. It helps a little bit.
Yes. I have IBS too and can relate. I went to the ER today for stomach pain and found it hard to stick up 4 myself. Looking back I realize I maybe could have done better & not apologized 2x to Dr and a nurse. The nurse told me it was important to get checked out but the Dr ignored me after I said I had IBS. @ least he prescribed me some Omeprazole 4 1st time. I avoid those foods you mention 2, you might already know this but they are FODMap foods and if you are having a flare-up you need to avoid them but in a better time you can add small amounts back in. I think chewing fennel seeds might be better than actual licorice as they do in Indian restaurants. And I suck on hard ginger candies like Gin-gins often and sometimes I melt them in some good herbal tea, to make ginger tea. Ginger might seem 2 spicy at 1st and adjust it to your preference, but long-term i think it helps. I also like Ashwaghandha 4 anxiety. I hope you feel better soon.
I have a whole bag of fennel seeds so I will go ahead and give them a try. I'm sorry that your doctor was so dismissive of your real and unrelenting pain and suffering. I find that this is many times how the medical field responds to IBS and GERD. It's their loss of opportunity to learn about something they know little about. I wish you luck. Thanks.
Yes, thanks 4 your response. I appreciate that you remind me its not Ok 4 him to be dismissive or even neglectful! I like to be positive but that was a 6 hour ordeal. I am worthy of being listened to and respected, and you helped me to get actually angry & realize that I need to be more confident and expect more and better care from the medical establishment. I think I'm going to complain. Thanks.
You should complain. If your doctor is not taking you seriously that is a huge breach in their duties. It is no longer "do no harm" when they neglect. It's hard to stand up for ourselves- believe me I know and have been in the same boat- but it is the right thing for you and your health. Only you are looking out for yourself!
Hi Faunusaterlater,
I went through and was diagnosed with the same thing about 18 years ago. The specialist at hospital who carried out the colonoscopy and endoscopy prescribed mebeverine for the IBS and Amitriptyline as well. I was reluctant to take an antidepressant, so I just used the mebeverine on it's own, which didn't help. I eventually stopped that and started the amitriptyline instead. I have found that helped considerably. I just need to watch what I eat, such as cucumber, which causes the feeling like the skin in my neck is on fire when I eat it. I've always been really bad with onions and even just something with onions powder I'll struggle with. Other than liquid gaviscon, the only other thing I can recommend is placing a cold pack from the freezer on your stomach (not directly on the skin, but over a t-shirt). I find, for myself, that often helps.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice. I have tried gaviscon chewable tablets. They did not work at all. I regret not buying the liquid version as I wonder if they would have worked better than the tablets. I have also tried putting a hot pack on my stomach which is soothing. I'll try the cold pack as well. Thanks!
I was the same with the gaviscon tablets, but I find the liquid does help. With the cold pack I always feel it can help with any inflammation. Definitely worth a try, as it's a horrible, uncomfortable feeling.
I might have to go for it and purchase the gaviscon liquid then. I don't live in the UK so I believe Amazon is the only way for me to get the liquid- horribly overpriced (same way I got the tablets). I think there is an anise seed flavor and possibly a peppermint flavor or something like that. I would opt for the anise seed as that would possibly be better than the peppermint for GERD.
The anise seed flavour one makes me gag. I also find that usually with anything that's a strong mint, but the mint with the gaviscon isn't too strong. Possibly there is an alternative, as it's basically just milk of magnesia, so maybe there's an alternative, as I know how expensive it can be importing anything these days. My Dad, in his advancing years, now regularly gets heartburn and opts instead from plain milk of magnesia.Like I say, I'm the same with peppermint, but not with the gaviscon. I do think it's just a name brand, so milk of magnesia is worth a try.
Yep... the gut feels all our emotions, and it reacts to it. I have always had problems with my stomach and digestion. Over the last few years I have started taking probiotics to try and keep my guts natural defense system healthy. I have been ravaged with issues after Covid, and deal with this daily. But I will say... it's been better since the probiotics.
You are so right about the probiotics! I forgot to mention in my above post that I drink tepache for the probiotics and that is one of the only things that I feel noticeably better from. I've tried many other probiotic beverage drinks but nothing seems to make any difference other than tepache. It helps soothe my stomach, my GERD reduces, I am able to use the restroom if I'm constipated, etc. Thanks!
Sounds good, I love pineapple...but the alcohol content would be a concern for me.
Most people don't know, but most fruit juice has a certain amount of alcohol ... so I don't think it would be a problem for anyone who doesn't have to completely abstain.